When buying bestbuy..... what does this mean?

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^^I agree.

I understand that credit cannot be avoided in some situations but in general people seem to have a hard time prioritizing and distinguishing their want's from needs.
there is a upside to the credit system...
if you can get 0% financing on an item, put the money in a cash deposit, or a savings account and enjoy the interest.
Credit can work both ways, good and bad.

If you buy on credit and owe more than you can pay, that's bad. if you use it wisely to build up your credit score, that's good.

Using credit just for "instant gratification" is never good, no matter how good it feels at the time. I have done it, so I qualify to cast that stone. I have also dug myself out of that hole before.I have some credit debt right now that was unavoidable at the time, and I am working on paying it down and off, too.

Paying cash can keep you out of debt, but it is detrimental to your credit score. It is not negative credit, but no credit. This hurts you when you need to get credit, say for a house, because you don't have enough credit history to be judged a good risk. You end up either turned down or with a higher interest rate. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt to prove it.
bringing this back around to the OP no rainchecks is basically once the item is gone, you'll have to wait until the item comes back instock for you to grab it, and they won't hold it for you. and with the no interest financing you have 3 years to pay it off, and i'm sure there will be minimum payments of like 28 bucks a month or so. nothing huge, which is nice, but the thing is only paying the minimum payments will get you to like half of the TV's value. It is nice however that you can play a lump sum at one point to pay it off when you have extra money and if you're a bit tight on funds you can skimp payments for a month. overall i think they are really nice ways to get something a bit out of your normal price range and keep it under control.
For the record, the minimum payment on my BB card is $12/mo. Incredibly low, really dangerously so. Make sure to pay the whole thing off before the financing terms are up or you'll have to pay ALL of that acrewed interest -- that's how they get ya.
For bestbuy, do they accept money from multiple credit cards? (like swipe this credit card for $500, then this one for another $500). I know they do cash / credit card combos but never really heard of credit card / credit card combos (such as Discover + Wachovia etc..)
yes you can do that. its best not to max out your cards though. that reflects poorly on your credit. if you cant clear the balance each month (the best thing to do), then try to carry over 30% or under your total limit.
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