What are your past results?

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Fully Optimized
I've seen a lot of threads around the net about internet speeds. A lot of people use Speedtest.net (although their speeds aren't correct for end-users.), which is what I also use. I trust testmy.net speeds a lot more, because I have NEVER downloaded over 1.6MBps. If you're like I am, you'd show off your best best speed yet. I know A LOT of people that do that. Anyway, this is more of a comparison thread of ISP's, and how constant they are at delivering the speeds.

The other variable that isn't showed in that chart is "the time".

I can test my speed at the most off-peak time, say 2am EST and get great results. I can test my speed at say 6pm EST on a weekday and get WAY lower results.

It all depends on the network traffic.

You would need to run those tests at the same exact time under the same exact network conditions to get something semi-accurate.
My tests are anywhere from 1p.m. to 5a.m. Surprisingly, the lowest is tested a 1a.m., which most people would be asleep by, giving low network traffic. I still don't trust the results I get from Speedtest.net. My highest download speed was 28859, which should have given me a download speed of around 3.5MB/s, which I have never, and probably will not get those speeds.
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