E Ecniv <a href="http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f109/foldin Messages 1,765 Apr 7, 2003 #1 Check this out! Cool stuff! http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/
N neb1211 In Runtime Messages 287 Apr 7, 2003 #2 that is wierd. What is the point of the game or whatever you would call it.
OP OP E Ecniv <a href="http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f109/foldin Messages 1,765 Apr 7, 2003 #3 No point really, just an interesting way to kill time.
Qiranworms Fully Optimized Messages 1,635 Apr 7, 2003 #4 hmm...I managed to talk on a phone in that... . Ok. That is the entirely most pointless thing I've done. It is a bit amuzing at first, but I must say it does get boring. Try this one: http://www.student.uwa.edu.au/~wedgey/slime1/ . Oddly addicting.
hmm...I managed to talk on a phone in that... . Ok. That is the entirely most pointless thing I've done. It is a bit amuzing at first, but I must say it does get boring. Try this one: http://www.student.uwa.edu.au/~wedgey/slime1/ . Oddly addicting.
J Jeeper Baseband Member Messages 72 Apr 7, 2003 #5 go all the way to the top! it is a creative greeting card!
A ADZ Fully Optimized Messages 2,231 Jul 18, 2003 #6 i think that is realy, realy well done, i do a lil bit of flash and i can honestly say, im most impressed.
i think that is realy, realy well done, i do a lil bit of flash and i can honestly say, im most impressed.