Warcraft 3 Backup Cd **l@@k**

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Hi everyone, thanks for all your replies. I just got back home from europe and I am once again trying to solve the nocd crack mystery for warcraft 3. I'm not sure if this post is active anymore, but I'll post it here and in a new thread anyway just in case.

I jus found the nocd crack for the lates reign of chaos warcraft 3 version 1.12. I reinstalled warcraft 3 to get a fresh start, downloaded the 1.12 update and installed manually and then copied crack files over like it says in directions. This makes it work with single player. However, I'm getting the following error message when trying to connect to battle.net:

Unable to validate game version. Please reconnect to battle.net or apply the current game patch.

I have tried reinstalling warcraft 3 and also the crack, so I'm not sure whats wrong. It seems like maybe the crack is the wrong version but it says v1.12, so I'm not quite sure what to do. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before, or have any suggestions on how to fix the problem? I was thinking perhaps I should download the version 1.0 nocd patch to update battle.net to 1.12 then download 1.12 update and then do the 1.12 nocd crack, but for all I know I might just get the same exact results. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please reply back here or email me at electronic_guru@consultant.com

Ok this is what you do.

First, you want to make a burn? download this program:


Clone Cd imprints an exact copy of the original that no other burner does to my knowledge. In other words you can play with the prgram reconizing the cd as the origianal.

Second, Find an Image of Warcraft 3 in .cue format (download it or make one off your original). and download this program:


Download the program, and emulate your .cue of your warcraft 3 cd, the program runs in the backround and simulates another drive as a drive with the cd in it, even though there isnt even a cd drive of that name.

Third, download a warcraft 3 cd loader and dave it in your warcraft 3 directory and follow instructions.

I looked very hard for a few days and I havn't found one that works with North American servers. the is one that works great with European and Asian servers if thats of any use. the link is :


Hope that helps.

BTW, I need a North American compatible cd crack/loader, if you know one please send me an email with the link at

Well, I've been using v1.12 no-cd crack.. and there is NO problem. Secondly.. No-cd crack doesn't mean we didn't buy the game.. it means running the game without inserting the CD. I wanna get the crack because if u play it using the CD.. it'll cause scratches over time..
After reading this, I understood almost nothing....and I still have a quetion to make...Is there a No-CD Crack for Warcraft 3 on Macintosh?!?! Because I tried all of the ways...and it simply doesn't work! I tried using Disk Utility to copy the CD, but it just says that there was an error...I tried to duplicate it...doesn't detect it as a CD...I also tried to burn a copy of it...but I don't know how to...any of u guys..pleez contact me via e-mail to tell me what to do....also...I'm just addicted to this game, can't spend one day without it!!! Thanx:D
hi i got the same prob but i got v1.16 and i cant find any no-cd cracks..... maybe u could help me thx icq: 170-218-591
I don't know the name for it or whatever but i have been looking for an hour now on the internet for ware you can purchase one of those little monitor things that you can put on your pc case i saw it on pc magazine and thought it was cool or are they not out to the mass population yet well if anyone knows what the proper term or what site features them please tell me

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