USB troubles

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Solid State Member
hey folks. I've got a laptop I bought in 99 running win98. I've never had anything plugged into the USB ports but tried getting my CFC reader up on this computer and it won't do anything. Not sure if it's a hardware or software problem. Thought maybe I deleted something I needed so reinstalled win98 but no fix. Any1 got any ideas. Thanks.
further to that check in the control panel> system applet > device manager>

look for USB controllers near the bottom and expand,,see if the hardware is working without conflict, or if it is being found at all,,

checked that before abbot. but decided to check it again. Not even there. thanks for trying though.
i can't believe I forgot to check the BIOS. Yup, the ports were disabled. Got that fixed but now I gotta go to the software section or just go find a driver for my cfc reader. It's supposed to be compatible with win98 but there's no drivers for it. Thanks for the help folks. I really appreciate it.
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