track ball or mouse?

What I have found with trackballs is they gather typical Ick (various stuff on your fingers hairs and such) But the last time I used a track ball was quite a while ago so they could have improved on this. Also its really boils down to preference, some people like to have something they can move other like the stationary track ball. So before buying one if you can try one and use it in typical everyday circumstances and then go with what you like.
I say mouse always, especially if you're gaming to any extent. Just personal opinion. If you're low on space trackball might be a good option though.
This is really personal preference. I used to use a trackball and loved it, even for gaming. Then it broke and
I switched to a mouse, which I now prefer.

Get one and try it out for a couple of weeks. That's really the only way to tell.
looks like a lot of reviews for that one says the software sucks and hogs up a lot of system resources. looks like the old reliable mouse is winning the fight.
plus I like to use linux here and there and from the sounds of it it might now work at all.
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