Tiny URL Generator

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Golden Master
Tiny URL Generator

Tiny URL is an url shortening service that turns large urls into smaller ones which makes them ideal for pasting into applications that have a character size limit like Twitter. It also comes in handy when pasting the urls into websites as large urls tend to break site designs fairly frequently.
Tiny URL Generator is a Firefox add-on that simply adds a button to Firefox that can be used to create a shortened url of the active website. The button is automatically added to the status bar of Firefox after installation. It should be noted though that the add-on is currently in experimental stage meaning that it can only be downloaded and installed after logging into an account on the Mozilla website.
A left-click on the icon in the status bar will create a tiny url and add it to the clipboard automatically from where it can be pasted easily. A right-click provides the additional option to create a shortened url with preview enabled. Preview simply means that a user opening that url will see where it leads instead of loading the original url without letting the user know where it leads.
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