Thechnological Ignorance.

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At work this old lady who came to buy a laptop said her scientist uncle who lives in the US said to look for AMD chips in laptops and that Intel was vastly inferior.

Why does this happen?
The P4s were a joke (or heaters, depending on your preference). The current stock of Intel's CPUs are far different from those, thankfully.

Sounds like her uncle is still living a few years behind.
I second Trotter, here. Intel was "vastly inferior" 5 or 6 years ago, but, well...we all know what's up now.
What sucks, though, is that the old lady will never consider buying an Intel now because the so-called "expert" told her not too. So regardless of what's on sale or what will suit her needs best she's going to follow this opinionated and frankly wrong advice no matter what Zedman or anybody else tells her. I used to hate stuff like that because you can never convince these people otherwise.
I'm with you, mate. People walk into the shop all the time just like that. Sometimes it's "I've heard this Pentium thing is pretty good" (note: heavy redneck accent...just picture it.) and of course, Pentium isn't really around anymore. Go figure.
I want to run/work in a shop of my own similar to what you guys do... what other funny stories do you guys have of ignorance/stupidity?
Oh god, we could be here all day.

I think the best one was a few years ago...I get a call from a customer...this is kinda how it went:

Customer: I need to get my CPU fixed.
Me: What seems to be the problem?
Customer: My cup holder broke.
Me: ...your what?
Customer: My cup holder. I set a cup o coffee in it and the dang thing just snapped right off there.
Me: ...well, bring it in.

At this point, I think it's just a prank and no one will show up. But sure enough, a guy walks in the door about 30 minutes later...

Customer: I'm the one that called about my cup holder.
Me: ...ah.

I take a look at the cd drive, and the tray was snapped right off, and there was definitely a little coffee splatter on the case. Turns out the guy set a stryrofoam cup in the cd tray...and it snapped off.

So I sold him a new "cup holder" for 50 bucks. Though I told him what it was actually for.

Customer: So, I can't get a cup holder for my CPU?
Me: Nope. They don't make them.
Customer: Well shoot.

Just picture him talking with a southern accent the whole time.

Yeah...not much topped that in my years at the shop.
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