The future of Tech-Forums

Here is a very brief update.

We found some issues in Webmaster Tools that we are addressing right now. Basically before merging the sites we want to make sure things are as clean as possible. So we'll need a few more weeks to make sure the changes are working properly.

We plan to update the skin to take the look and feel from both sites and merge them so everyone feels at home. We'll look at a full site refresh (look & feel) when we switch to a new platform later.

I know it seems slow but this is a lot of changes and we need to make sure we get everything right. New domain, merging two sites, then a new platform. Lots of change.

Thanks for the update. Much appreciated!
Here is a very brief update.

We found some issues in Webmaster Tools that we are addressing right now. Basically before merging the sites we want to make sure things are as clean as possible. So we'll need a few more weeks to make sure the changes are working properly.
Are you still planning on setting up a test site with snapshots of the DB's to merge so that we staff members can test it to make sure things are working correctly?

We plan to update the skin to take the look and feel from both sites and merge them so everyone feels at home. We'll look at a full site refresh (look & feel) when we switch to a new platform later.

I know it seems slow but this is a lot of changes and we need to make sure we get everything right. New domain, merging two sites, then a new platform. Lots of change. about getting the mobile app working again? Been a couple months now.
I was meant to ask this more specifically as I forgot to mention it at the time.

When I mentioned about the tech forums \ team name for fah, I was getting at will their be a new "" team setup or we it be kept at Hence I was asking about team management such as the points ECT:
I'm not aware of a computerforums folding team, so a merge etc of points wouldn't be a problem. Could you request a name change?

It would seem a waste to simply create a new group because of the name.
Not sure if name changes can be requested... Honestly surprised we still have a forum for it seeing as the team has disapeared over the years...
If thees forums done classes on coding and learning to create simply by programming I would pay the the tuition off the mods. Interactive Videos, Q & A ECT:

Just thought I'd mention that.

I understand what spud wants, but its all down to volunteers really imo.. someone could start a youtube channel for techist (tech-forums) and post vids, maybe someone requests or asks advise on a guide, then someone can make a vid for members (and public). It just adds a little extra support I guess?

Maybe thats to extreme.. but just a thought :cool:
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