Tech-Forums Clock

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Fully Optimized
I made a simple clock using Visual Basic.NET.

Hope you like it. I did not include the source code, but if you want it, just contact me.

This has been tested on my and my wifes computers and it worked, so I hope it does for you as well.

To close the program, click the "X" in the top-right corner.

All Rights Reserved and all that other stuff that you usaully see down here.

Err, "wife's"

No duh

You have reserved the rights? No.
You can put
Copyright (c) Your First and Last Name Here

Transparency doesn't work for me. I have ME. I think it only works on XP.
raylu said:
Err, "wife's"

No duh

You have reserved the rights? No.
You can put
Copyright (c) Your First and Last Name Here

Transparency doesn't work for me. I have ME. I think it only works on XP.

It's not a spelling bee.

You would be suprised what you don't know.

I thought I was sarcastic enough that people would get a chuckle, guess not.

And your using ME... go be anal somewhere else.


E, I don't know man, I haven't gotten that error before and it still works for me. I will see if I can find out anything about that error, it may be system specific though.
Check to see if you have the .Net framework installed.

And done sweat it Guy, some people don't know a joke when its under their nose. :)
I must be blind or something cos I cant see a download link for this supposed clock everyone is talking about, can anyone point me in the right direction ?
gecko this page is broken. It has some missing posts and the file attachment is no longer available. One of my messages has been deleted I can tell. must be some database glitch I guess.
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