C crward In Runtime Messages 173 Nov 11, 2002 #1 when ever i start my pc and look in the task manager i have have 3 svchost.exe. am i ment to? and what the hell's it do?
when ever i start my pc and look in the task manager i have have 3 svchost.exe. am i ment to? and what the hell's it do?
E Ecniv <a href="http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f109/foldin Messages 1,765 Nov 11, 2002 #2 Yes, you are supposed to, you may even have more of themlater. svchost.exe is a bunching of services that the NT based operating systems use. Whenever one file gets full, another is created. Its perfectly normal.
Yes, you are supposed to, you may even have more of themlater. svchost.exe is a bunching of services that the NT based operating systems use. Whenever one file gets full, another is created. Its perfectly normal.