Subnetting Help!

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Solid State Member
Can anyone explain subnetting in a really basic format. I think I know it I just need to hear it in Lehmans terms.


Take a private Class A address for example, too many host and not enough network address.

You have many rooms with up to around 200 computers and you are only given that address to use and it would be much wiser to use because it keeps the routing table small and if you ever heard of route aggregation or supernetting you would understand why.

Anyways you have about 200host in many rooms so subnetting a Class A address you would borrow 16bits from the host portion so now one of the network would appear as which would give you about 254 address for your host and the second network would appear which would give you 254 address in another room and so on.

Subnetting gives you more control over the network address and help segregate the host when using a router or not.
Rear viewing completely bypasses the need for ip addressing and subnetting; however, unfortunately it requires dealing with occult spirit entities which I am NOT about to do being a Christian person so I guess you'll just have to bite the bullet and learn subnetting. Here's a good tutorial to get you started:
2^X-2 <-memorize it

i need a network with 30 hosts. 2^5 = 32. 32-2 = 30. X is how many bits you need for you host id.

2^X tells you how many binary numbers can be represented by X bits. The first and last host ids cannot be used because the first is the network id and the last is the broadcast address.
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