Splinter Cell

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the flaming hermit
Well, I bit the bullet - I bought Splinter Cell. It's the first game in a long time I actually liked enough to pay money for. Just wondering if anyone else has it and what everyone thought.. i won't be able to play it until I get home on Sunday.
I'm hearing ALOT of good things about this game. *runs off the local game shop where you get *cough*cheap*cough* game cds*

The first time some one told something about it, I thought it had something to do with Physics! :eek:
Well, I've been playing it for about an hour now, and I'm hopelessly addicted. Definately well worth the money. I'd be at it all day if it weren't for that pesky job of mine... oh well, I guess I can always use more money to feed the addiction ;)
awesome game!
played quite a few hours on it, amazing graphics, decent storyline (but the ending was quite dissapointing :( )
anyway have fun
Yea, I rented splinter cell for my x-box, and it has been my favorite game since. I'm thinking about getting it for my PC
I have it, but damn it... I can't get into it. And I have no idea why. The graphics are awsome, the concept of the game is increadible.... I just can't get into it.
ok is this game any thing like sof2 or any other 1st person shooters? and most important. is it online. :)
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