So, are we all going to die in 6 days?

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wow that is messed up... they are trying to play god? So there is a possibility they are going to create a black hole or something and we all die because of a stupid experiment? what can happen?
They shoot two protons at each other at like 99.99999% lightspeed (may have too many 9's, idk) and this will supposedly tell them what the universe looked like after the big bang.

(course, we all know the big bang didn't happen, so who knows what they'll find)

wow that is messed up... they are trying to play god? So there is a possibility they are going to create a black hole or something and we all die because of a stupid experiment? what can happen?

The machine will probably create hundreds or thousands of mini black holes. However, a black hole only has the mass of that which created it, and since they're using subatomic particles, the black hole won't have enough mass to do anything, and will simply collapse on itself within a few nanoseconds. Plus, the Moon and Earth are hit with mini black holes made of subatomic particles all the time, the only difference is they are actually traveling at light speed (or faster), and, they're much bigger and more energetic.

The other hazard is, the LHC will create strangelets, which convert matter to anti-matter (or something equally devastating, anyway). Strangelets are only theory though, so who knows.

P.S. I'm what you can consider very poor at astrology/cosmology/particle physics, so, take what I say with a grain of salt and Google :)
no they have allready doen it there jyus tring to simulate fusion, alltho this is going to be the biggest effort yet as teh machine is much larger then the smaller ones.
even if they do do that psp is right, it would only last a few second and it wouldn't even be able to suck up more then a few particles of matter before it collapses.
If any black holes are created, they will simply dissipate...disappear...dissolve...

Also, it's done in a big vacuum so there isn't really anything to "suck up".

It would not last a few seconds, it would last a few nanoseconds. It would almost instantly collapse as soon as it was created.
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