Shuttle liftoff

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I just watched the shuttle's liftoff on a live NASA feed.

Words fail me. The sheer beauty and elegance of the whole thing. The worry and concern over what has happened before.

Liftoff was picture perfect, however. Discovery is up and away.

I still have the feed running, and am listening to updates of altitude and speed. The external fuel tank was just jettisoned, and the crew is now photographing and filming the tank so NASA can analyse them to make sure no foam seperated from the tank.

Man. I'd love to be at one of the liftoffs.
Trotter said:
Man. I'd love to be at one of the liftoffs.

i was ALMOST saw the launch in 2000 when we went to disney world but they canceled it and i was so mad. :( :mad:

anyway, i just seen the liftoff to and it was great, although i would hate doing that cause i have a very weak stomach and would have filled up 1/2 the shuttle with puke already.
haha, same here, I don't think I could ever go to space, seems like so much could go wrong and for wat?
This is how i watched the shuttle liftoff


The cable company is doing something in an event of an emergency. This is a test, to make sure it's working. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP... And the discovery has lifted off, it's about 50 miles up in the atmosphere... :rolleyes: !!! curse you cable company!
gurusan said:
They need to redesign the shuttle. THat **** thing is so ancient.
They really should, that has been part of Nasa's criticism over the last several years. That old Pentium we've all got in our basement somehwere has way more juice than the computers running those ancient shuttles. It would be extremely expensive for a modern overhaul like that, however, and since all we do with our shuttles now is go up to the International Space Station there's really no point until we start exploring further out. Maybe once we get a man on Mars we'll start modernizing.
The shuttle's are in the process of being replaced, but, like everything involving the government, it is taking a long, long time.
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