Screenshot tip. Does anyone know of this?

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Fully Optimized
Something I learned ages ago in Windows 3.1, is a method that's been biult in Windows since the beginning. Just tap the "Print Screen" (sometimes things like "Prnt Scrn" and such) and it puts a screenshot of your current screen in the clipboard, where you can paste it an mspaint or something.

When I used it back in the days of 3.1 ;) , the more computer knowledgable people seemed to know it, yet as Windows grew and more and more people used computers, it seems to have been forgotten. I know very few who use it. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is something that everyone in this type of forum knows. If so, I appologize, and maybe a mod will remove this. :p
You're right.. it seems to me that a lot of people have forgotten about this one. I've been using it since 3.1 as well - it pretty much eliminates the need for a 3rd party screen capture program.
Yes I still use it because it does not need any program to be loaded to take screen captures ...and the quality is as good...but it has alot of limitations though
Limitations? You mean those third party programs have other features? I mean, what kind of bells and whistles are there for a screenshot...the best to do is just use something like Photoshop to edit the pics. Hmm, an idea would be a type of screenmovie program that takes movies of pictures...that would be neat.
Well you hit the right cord pal...there are screenshot programs to capture live while playing games you can record what you are playing realtime...

Limitations...well other programs allow you to take screenshot of sub-windows..part of the window....desktop even if there is another application open or somethin' like that....selected area screenshots etc see there are a host of other options too..
gumba said:

i use this gr8 thing called printkey



No offence, but in my opinion it's not worth the money. You can just use the 'Print Screen' key anyway, and paste it in an image editing program for the same benifits. I'd rather buy a good image editor and use it for screenshots AND other images and take free screenshots and use them with it when I need to.
The ability to add extra information to a screenshot is sometimes very useful.

For this I use SnagIt by TechSmith... Very useful when you want more than just a screen dump.


did u also nkow that if you push ctrl+prnt scrn you can screenshot just the open window? pretty cool eh? we use it in school all the time to prove that we are doing our assignments (im in an os class, so we go kinda deep in to windows 2k)
Print Screen is ok, but I like ScreenHunter 4.0 - it's a free download from You can print portions of the screen and save in different formats. Plus, I'm lazy and can't be bothered going to the trouble of having to edit the image I want captured in a third-party imaging program. Still, each to their own.
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