Runescape VS Habbo

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Yeah, what games have got better graphics than Runescape? I'd like to see one.
And they are not "simple graphics", just we aren't comparing the graphics to Guild Wars, WoW, or D2... We're comparing it to Habbo.

Anyway... I've tried Runescape HD or whatever it's called but it's a lot slower in my browser... In HD mode it stops for a few seconds flashing "Loading...Please Wait" But the graphics are good. I've only ever played Runescape and Habbo... I haven't even looked at a few of the other games like them.
^ Again, quake live. It's browser based, and has much better graphics.

I played runescape for about 4 years and got an acount ot 79 then got banned so i quit playing all together...

It was fun though.
I would vote both, Even though Habbo is extremely laggy. But then, Runescape can loose connection pretty easily, Depending on if you have a good internet connection.
But i would rather pick Runescape over Habbo. Because the staff on Habbo are harsh. xD
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