Reformatting C: drive and installing a different version of Windows?

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Hi all,

My computer is crashing a whole lot lately, and after trying everything that was concievable to fix it I've decided to reformat the C: drive.

I'm currently using Windows 98, but I've bought Windows 2000 to install when the reformat is complete. I ran a couple of searching looking for How To guides on reformatting and reinstalling and all of them mentioned creating a Win. 98 StartUp disk, but I'm going to be using Win 2k instead of Windows 98; so is this step neccessary?

Welcome Shadow! There's lots of techies here that can answer that question, but.....

In my very limited experience, I did a reformat and went from 95 to 98 without the startup disk.

The startup disk is a backup in case of problems. Supposedy the disk will boot the computer without installing 98 and then it will allow for installing 2000. It's probably a good precautionary step.

Would it be helpful to install 2000 before the reformat?
Well, actually I think I may have found the root of the crashing problem...

I talked to my uncle and he thinks that the computer is overheating, which actually makes sense as sometimes when I boot it up the fan makes a hell of a lot of noise... he says eventually it won't be able to cool the processor enough and so cutss out, locking the system. I've got a fan hooked up and it's in the window now blowing air onto the back of the computer, it seems to be working as a [temporary] solution...

Guess I'll have to go out fan shopping. :)

Thanks for the help!
Shadow said:
Well, actually I think I may have found the root of the crashing problem...

I talked to my uncle and he thinks that the computer is overheating, which actually makes sense as sometimes when I boot it up the fan makes a hell of a lot of noise... he says eventually it won't be able to cool the processor enough and so cutss out, locking the system. I've got a fan hooked up and it's in the window now blowing air onto the back of the computer, it seems to be working as a [temporary] solution...

Guess I'll have to go out fan shopping. :)

Thanks for the help!

Are you still planing on changing to Windows 2000?

Yeah, I'll still be upgrading to Win 2k but I can just upgrade without formatting can't I? I was only going to format it in case the crashing problem was caused by an error on the HD. :)

In actual fact the CPU fan wasn't running at all, but I picked up a new one today and so far it hasn't crashed.
I have never had good luck with just upgrading... I prefer a fresh start. If you have any other problems a format and install will take care of it. Where as an upgrade will just cover it up for awhile. You can always change your boot sequence in your bios and boot to your win2k cdrom and install from there. Good luck!

You may wan tto put on 2k and test it for a couple of weeks then format and re-install. That way you'll know what to do and what not to in order to keep your 2k as clean as possible.
Here's what I've found works best if you're going to format your drive. First off, make sure you have a Windows 98 boot disk handy. It doesn't matter what version of Windows you'll be installing, because the main feature of the boot disc is that it autodetects your CD-ROM for you, eliminating the need for you to add and edit command lines in the config.sys on a regular boot disc. Now that you have your Windows98 boot disk handy, put it in your a: drive and copy from your "command" folder (usually something like "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND" or something like that. Okay, from there it's pretty simple. Reboot your computer with the boot disk in the drive, execute (adding a "/s" to designate the newly clean drive as a system disk), and then execute the install prog from the CD-ROM drive for whatever OS you plan on installing....Have fun;)

You should have the win 98 start up disk
You can go to add remove programs in your control panel start up disk creat system disk thats all you need put the disk in a drive restart boot with cd rom support at command prompt type c: format.
put your win 2000 in cdrom when you use the start up disk it moves you drive letters back by 1 so if you have 1 a: 1 hard drive and 1 cdrom the cd rom is probably e: type e:dir to see if you have the right drive letter type setup.You should save your stuff like e-mail address and favorites onto a floppy disk.Hope this helps.
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