Reduce speaker's noise...

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Mod Emeritus
OK I have one of those bose wave systems and I want to use it for my computer audio instead of using these tiny speakers:

The problem is that, I used it once and my neighbor hears it a little. Even on low volume...I guess it's the bass. Is there anything I can do, so my neighbor won't hear it or enough for him not to really notice?
Lol, when I read the title I was just thinking "Ummm... See the volume knob? It should be a cylindrical shape mounted somewhere on the speakers, and labled "Volume". Grasp it firmly, but not tightly, and rotate it counter-clockwise until it stops moving or you are happy with the sound level. Release."

Sometimes you can try resting the speakers on top of a piece of foam. This might prevent some of the vibrations from traveling through your desk and the floor. Otherwise, use your computer's EQ to reduce bass, or simply get a nice pair of headphones.
How loud do you have the thing? Geesh...

Are you in an apartment/condo? If so, then you're kinda out of luck. If not, then you're playing it too loud obviously.

What is the bose system on top of? Wood? Metal? You can try what Eagleboy said... that will reduce resonance which might help a bit, but really... there isn't much you can do outside of spending hundreds or thousands on sound proofing.
When they're plugged into the computer, you could turn all BASS software off, such as your sound card's software and WMP.
Do you know what soundcard you are using? And yes your subwoofer bass is causing the noise, even at low volumes. Find the bass knob on it and lower it ALL THE WAY. If you have soundcard software and it has a THX subwoofer volume control, LOWER IT TO THE BOTTOM.

Then check the windows setting sound controls, find the bass LOWER THAT COMPLETLY! So now, this is bassically like turning your subwoofer off, and the bass will be as low as possible.

PS: It sucks to have nice speakers and not to have them loud! Subwoofer is where its at, and its horrible to lower it.
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