Recommend a game

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Golden Master
I love playing RPG/FPS kinda games. Mainly RPGs tho. Think Fallout3, mass effect, oblivion, dragon age origins, etc.

Any newer games released along these genres that I'm forgetting?
Borderlands w/ the General Knoxx DLC.

Just got done with that. Still have some stuff to do with play through 2. Fun though. Very Fun.
Nope, might give that a shot
I didn't enjoy borderlands too much tbh, you can't level your character up or increase stats or learn new abilities, you can just get new weapons (a lot of which are all pretty **** similar).
Crysis, Crysis War Head, BF1942, BF vietnam, BF2, Unreal Tournament 1999 GOTY edition, call of duty Franchise of course, GTA Franchise... all of which im sure you have played... haha.

cept maybe Unreal tournament 1999 GOTY... its a freaking Awesome game! ive been playing it since 1999 haha.
Haven't played the GTA series much, but I've done all the the BF and COD series(s).

I'll have to ebay a copy of UT1999, only played UT2004 and UT3. Thanks for the suggestions so far!
Haven't played the GTA series much, but I've done all the the BF and COD series(s).

I'll have to ebay a copy of UT1999, only played UT2004 and UT3. Thanks for the suggestions so far!

UT 1999 is by far the best, which is funny cause its the first. and given its time it has pretty decent graphics.
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