Random Chit Chat

Email clients? At home I use Windows 10 email. For business Outlook it is.
Email providers? Doesn't really matter. I have several emails on Gmail, Live, Yahoo... anything goes.

we call it trawling. sound like you had a good meal. what fish were they?
Mostly parrot fish. And they are really good. The rest were no name fish related to parrot fish as well.
I use outlook because i like the inbox and i can make rules to send different emails to different folders depending on who they are from. Although the microsoft store is just plain crap i tried to download a free app once...
Unfortunately I cannot hear ultra violet sound waves underwater to detect parrot fish blabbering. Come to think of it, not even above water!

Full Outlook allows recalling emails. Outlook Web Access (OWA) don't have this feature. This alone saved me tons of times before. And I can harass recipients then recall the email before they see it (not really). This is if we are talking clients. Not sure if there are worthy differences between providers. Attachment size perhaps?
I started using Hotmail as my provider back in 1998 or so and have stayed with it even though it's now called outlook. I have a gmail account too but never use it, only go in there once in awhile to clean out all of the spam. I prefer Thunderbird as my email client.
Yes you heard right, XP!! I have had it with this Windows 10 and all the headaches I am having. Since they put in the version 2004 this computer has had one issue after another. It will not play nice at all. So i can use the tablet till i am finished getting the computer done. Should have it working by this evening. Later, Dan.
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