Hi Tech friends, I have a warninng regarding all 2024 Lasco heaters! My husband purchased a Lasko heater and everything worked just fine and when I heard the clicking sound the heater would turn itself off automatically as normal. One day, last week my husband and I were engaged in a conversation. He was in the kitchen and I was in the living room about two feet away from the heater. I heard a clicking niose and thought nothing of it when it failed to switch off. A few more minutes passed when suddenly I heard a loud buzzing niose and my husband observed a fireworks display an heard popping sounds in the kitchen! I quickly turned my head and was horrified when I noticed fire shootig from the cord like the fourth of july fireworks in the middle of January in my living room of all places!! I screamed and hollered fire in horror and then froze while my husband ran into the living room and stomped the mini fire out in his socks! There was a small flame on the carpting and my husband succesfully stomped out the fire. My husband shook the cords and noticed the medal prongs acually discintigrated so the fire must have been extremely hot! I believe Lasko heaters are faulty and the temperatore regulator failed and should not have failed so soon! This was a brand new heater!! My husband and I never ever had this type of experiencee before.