Q7z: Front end for Linux 7-Zip

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Golden Master
Q7z: Front end for Linux 7-Zip

Compression is compression is compression. Right? Wrong. There are some compression utilities that eek out every drop of space possible. On the Linux operating system the standard is gzip or bunzip2. But if you're looking for one of the highest compression ratios to be found you might want to turn your sites to 7-Zip. 7-Zip is a free (even for commercial usage) compression/archiving utility that has its own compression algorithm (LZMA – Lemple-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm).
Although 7-Zip is available for both Windows and Linux, only the Windows port has a GUI front end. This means, by default, using 7-Zip in Linux requires the use of commands. Normally this is fine, but the 7-Zip commands can be fairly confusing (even to the experienced user). Fortunately 7-Zip does integrate well with the GNOME and KDE desktops. And it has a front end available. This front end is Q7z and was not created nor is maintained by the makers of 7-Zip.
In this article I will show you how to install and use the Q7Z front end for 7-zip on Linux.
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