Hi everyone!
I know that I have made allot of threads in the past concerning potential system builds and asked for peoples advice on them in anticipation for the day that I have the funds to finally build a system. However that day has arrived. I can spend around £450 (excluding windows) on the whole setup (including peripherals). Seeing as I am going to spend exactly £118.99 on peripherals (including a monitor) That leaves me with £331.01 to spend on the actual system. All I ask from you is that you look over, check compatibility, critique (or applaud ) my choice of components and recommend a case/PSU combo.
Bearing in mind that this will be used for games such as BF4, Arma 3, Watch dogs and a few other very unintensive games such as Counter-Strike and Deus-Ex, here are my specs:
Processor: AMD FX-6300 £84.99
GPU: Asus Radeon 7790 1GB £89.98
Motherboard: MSI 760GA-PF3 £42.21
RAM: Kinsington HyperX 4GB 1600MHZ DDR3 £30.10
HDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue 500gb £39.39
This comes to £286.68. Whilst I do have a vague idea of what I want out of a PSU and case I really don't know how much is enough when it comes to cases. I am, however, Interested in the Corsair CX-430 PSU (£33.02) it's just a question of whether I can afford it. The budget for the case and PSU is £44.33 although I reckon it could (and will) go up to £54.33.
Where possible use British sites and thank you in advance
I know that I have made allot of threads in the past concerning potential system builds and asked for peoples advice on them in anticipation for the day that I have the funds to finally build a system. However that day has arrived. I can spend around £450 (excluding windows) on the whole setup (including peripherals). Seeing as I am going to spend exactly £118.99 on peripherals (including a monitor) That leaves me with £331.01 to spend on the actual system. All I ask from you is that you look over, check compatibility, critique (or applaud ) my choice of components and recommend a case/PSU combo.
Bearing in mind that this will be used for games such as BF4, Arma 3, Watch dogs and a few other very unintensive games such as Counter-Strike and Deus-Ex, here are my specs:
Processor: AMD FX-6300 £84.99
GPU: Asus Radeon 7790 1GB £89.98
Motherboard: MSI 760GA-PF3 £42.21
RAM: Kinsington HyperX 4GB 1600MHZ DDR3 £30.10
HDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue 500gb £39.39
This comes to £286.68. Whilst I do have a vague idea of what I want out of a PSU and case I really don't know how much is enough when it comes to cases. I am, however, Interested in the Corsair CX-430 PSU (£33.02) it's just a question of whether I can afford it. The budget for the case and PSU is £44.33 although I reckon it could (and will) go up to £54.33.
Where possible use British sites and thank you in advance