problems with 2 column CSS page


In Runtime
I'm creating a two-column web page in CSS and I'm having a problem with the right column extending into the left column (image below).



<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title> Your Title Here </title>

<meta name="Generator" content="Alleycode HTML Editor">
<meta name="Description" content="Your description here...">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Your keywords here...">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".\bradyounglawcss.css">



<div id="maincontainer">

	<div id="header">
		<h1>Bradford M. Young</h1>
		<h2>Attorney At Law</h2>

		<div id="navbar">
			<li><a href="home.htm">Home</a></li>
			<li><a href="aboutme.htm">About Me</a></li>
			<li><a href="fees.htm">Fees</a></li>
			<li><a href="areaspractice.htm">Areas of Practice</a></li
			<li><a href="resume.htm">Resume</a></li>
			<li><a href="attentionlawyers.htm">A Note For Other Lawyers</a></li>
			<li><a href="contact.htm">Contact Information</a></li>
			<li><a href="disclaimer.htm">Disclaimer</a></li>
			<div id="textblock">
				<table width="200px" border="1">
							<img src="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Kyle%20Young/Desktop/sitepicture2.jpg" alt="sitepicture2.jpg" height="230" width="180"></center>




body {background-color: #D2EBFF; font-family: arial}

#maincontainer {width: 70%; height: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: #FFF}

#header {width: 100%; height: 20%; border-style: solid}

	#header h1 {text-align: center;}

	#header h2 {text-align: center; }

#navbar {width: 25%; height: 60%; background-color: #0095BF; float: left;}

#navbar ul li {text-align: left; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; list-style-type: none}

#navbar hr {width: 75%; margin-right: 50%}

#navbar a {color: #FEE}

#navbar a:hover {background-color: #2D6912}

#textblock {width: 75%; height:  100%; background-color: #FFF; float: right}

#textblock table {background-color: #D2EBFF}

#textblock td {padding: 5px;}

#navbar {width: 25%; height: 60%; background-color: #0095BF; float: left;}
#navbar {width: 25%; height: [b]100%[/b]; background-color: #0095BF; float: left;}

it's not that the div extends past it's left margin, (it just can't do that).

it's that the menu only comes down 60% of the page.
alright I changed to navbar height and it fixed it. Thanks! The page is up now at Unfortunately it looks pretty bad in Internet Explorer. I think I'm going to have a main page where you can choose if you want to view an IE version of the page or a Firefox version.
Actually, I think that if instead of setting the #textblock div height to something over 100%, I could add a scroll bar to the textblock div and a footer. That would probably make it look decent in Internet Explorer. (If I set the textblock height to 100%, in some of the pages, the text goes beyond the div and outside of the #maincontainer. If I set the height to around 130% in those pages, it looks fine in Firefox, but when I view those pages in Internet Explorer, the textblock div extends way further than it should) Adding a scrollbar and a footer would be easier than redoing all the pages and having a different version for each browser, so if that's possible, how would I do it?
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