Potentially the longest thread in history...

^true but you can atleast be curtiouse (sp?) and now triple post nothing but youtube videos it gets really annoying seeing nothing but..


for posts at a time
lol saw this at wal-mart last night when I was buying groceries.

^wow, thats a lot of monitors. It looks like it's being used to edit audio, i think that guy has too much time on his hands (he probably is a professional and that is his job..w/e he is doing on the monitors...it might not be audio editing.)
^wow, thats a lot of monitors. It looks like it's being used to edit audio, i think that guy has too much time on his hands (he probably is a professional and that is his job..w/e he is doing on the monitors...it might not be audio editing.)

If u go to the link underneath, one of our tf members says what its about, i don't remember though.

What i do know though is that all those monitors are not needed... thats just over doing it. Even if he needed that many monitors too display information, no person would have a way of absorbing it all, lol. by the time he registers what 1 monitor says, he has 10 more with new information and a few extras that will have information later..

Would be nice to have those if i wanted to have as many posts as vernog though :p
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