Potential Compromised Technology/Software Licensing


Beta member
Inland Empire, CA
Greetings. I have had some concerns regarding online privacy. I believe that all of my accounts have been compromised. There are many pieces of information that lead me hto believe this is the case. I won't get into the details, but I have two questions:

1. Is there anyone who would like to discuss my privacy concerns. I would be willing to compensate for that assistance.

2. I have the dating app, Tinder. When perusing the app, I noticed MANY open source licenses from GITHub contained within my Tinder app. They are:
AFNetworking, AppsFlyerFramework, BSImagePicker, Branch, Bugsnag, Cocoa Lumberjack, FBAudienceNetwork, FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit, FLEX, FXPageControl, Firebase, FirebaseAnalytics,FirebaseAppDistribution, FirebaseCore, FirebaseCoreDiagnostics, FirebaseCrashlytics, FirebaseInstallatioms, GCDWebServer, GZIP, Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK, GoogleAppMeasurement, GoogleDataTransport, GoogleToolboxForMac, GoogleUserMessagingPlatform, GoogleUtilities, Instabug, KVOController, KRONOS, MBProgressHUD, MarkdownKit, Marquee Label, NeedleFoundation, OpenTOK, PINCache, PINOperator, PINRemoteImage, PromisesObjC, PryntTrimmerView, RxSwift, SBTUITestTunnelCommon, SBTUITestTunnelServer, SMCalloutView, SQLite.swift, Shimmer, Socket Rocket, StateMachine, SwiftProtobuf, TensorFlowLiteSwift, UICKeyChainStore, libwebp, lottie-ios, nanopb, pop

I sent an email to Tinder customer care asking why those licenses were contained in their application (many of which are Facebook, TikTok, and Google licenses). They responded as if those licenses are not a part of their app and they would have to get back to me. Can someone please review those licenses and give me an understanding of what their purposes are? I certainly do not have the technical abilities to make sense of it. Thank you so much for your assistance in these important matters.
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