Post your Assassins creed 2 DRM problems and fixes

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In Runtime
QLD, Australia
This thread is just for everyone to post their Assassins Creed 2 DRM problems and/or fixes. It wil prove to be very usefull when i, or any other forum member or guest, encounter a problem withe Assassins creed 2.

We all know that ubisoft's DRM is a bit suffed up, so start posting:thumbsup:
I have a fix. Don't ****ing buy it! I refuse to support this garbage and as such I don't have any DRM problems.

Sorry, I know that's really not constructive advice, but I do have strong feelings about it. ;)
I have a fix. Don't ****ing buy it! I refuse to support this garbage and as such I don't have any DRM problems.

Sorry, I know that's really not constructive advice, but I do have strong feelings about it. ;)
lame, i gotta spread rep around before i can rep you again :cry:
While their DRM sucks remember that we cannot post up illegal cracks to get around said crappy DRM.

Synergy hit it on the nail.
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