First, does windows find it, and does it work at all? Like will it read a data or audio CD? If it does, then you just need XP compatible software. If it doesnt, have you tried going to Control Panel, System, Hardware and checking to see how Windows lists it, and seeing if Windows has installed a driver for it? I went to the Polaroid site and couldnt find any reference to it at all, much less XP drivers. I am guessing that since Polaroid is not known for making hardware, that it was made by a 2nd party, and they no longer support it. You might pull it and look for Manfactuer sticker on the case, and then go the their site and see if they have drivers or firmware to dowload to upgrade it. Some firmware will boost the speed of CDRs. If there is no sticker, and Polaroid cant help, you might go to and online store and find a drive that has an idententcal face plate, and then try their downloads or updates. hope this helped.