Ping Protocol?

It stand for "packet internet groper".
Its a utility that sends data packets to check the connection of a link or a connection of your computer to the internet.
Would it be possible for u to give me a more detailed answer on what it does? sorry for being rude, i just don't completely understand?

Or even a link explaining it?
thanks, 1 last thing

can u give me a better version of the first answer i got, 1 line answer to what the protocol does?
when you send a ping to another computer on the network what you are actually doing is sending an ICMP 'echo' request. (ICMP is the Internet control message protocol). When the remote computer received this ICMP echo request, it sends back a response. This enables the person sending the ping to determine not only that the remote host is accessible, but is also used to establish how fast the link is between the two systems.

Hope this makes sense.
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