PHP problem again

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In Runtime
**** all I was wondering something. I have a php file. Here is the code


(C) AEwebworks Software Development Ltd., 2002-2003

IMPORTANT: This is a commercial software product and any kind of using it must agree

to the AEwebworks Software Development Ltd. license agreement. It can be found at


This notice may not be removed from the source code.



 * Include file with the constants for membership levels stuff


require_once( "{$dir['inc']}" );

// English language

function echo_t_err( $str, $arg0 = "", $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "" )


        echo "<div class=err>"._t($str,$arg0,$arg1,$arg2)."</div>";


function _t_err( $str, $arg0 = "", $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "" )


    return "<div class=\"err\">"._t($str,$arg0,$arg1,$arg2)."</div>";


function _t( $str, $arg0 = "", $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "" )


        global $site;

        global $dir;

        global $tab;

        global $video_ext;

        global $doll;

        global $expl_win_w;

        global $expl_win_h;

        $SITE_NAME = $site['title'];

        switch( $str )


        case "_bottom_text":

                $date =        date("Y");

                return "2002-$date. Product of <a class=bottommenu href=\"\">AEwebworks Dating Software</a>.";

        case "_copyright": $date =        date("Y"); return "Copyright © $date your company name here";

        // homepage texts

    case "_Notify me about News, tips": return "Notify me about News, tips";

    case "_compose_message_notify": return "

[b]Hello <YourRealName>[/b],</p>

You have received a message from <a href=\"<Domain>profile.php?ID=<ID>\"><NickName>(<Domain>profile.php?ID=<ID>)</a>!</p>

To get this message you have to check your e-mail</p>

---</p>Best regards,  <SiteName>";

    case "_GuestBook": return "GuestBook";

        case "_homepage_text": return "at demo online dating website powered by [b]aeDating 4[/b] - private label dating software created by [b]AEwebworks Dating Software[/b]

<a href=>Order aeDating 4 for $690</a>";

        case "_homepage_promo0": return "chat instantly with other members";

        case "_homepage_promo1": return "Gold Membership for less than $20";

        case "_homepage_promo2": return "voice, video, IM, up to 5 photos";

        case "_homepage_promo3": return "free personal ad and free flirting";

        case "_homepage_promo4": return "great chance to find your match!";

        case "_promo_text_ae3_1": return "Best personals site script ever! Guaranteed!";

        case "_promo_text_ae3_2": return "Welcome to [b]aeDating[/b] personals script demo website. Try to join, post test profile, search others' ads, send virtual kisses, upload photos, record and upload your voice, video, etc. You are welcome to <a href=\"\">[b]contact us[/b]</a> or <a href=\"\">[b]order aeDating NOW[/b]</a>!";

        case "_promo_ae3_0": return "- post your own free personal ad";

        case "_promo_ae3_1": return "- chat online with other members";

        case "_promo_ae3_2": return "- talk via instant messenger";

        case "_promo_ae3_3": return "- upload voice and video messages";

        case "_promo_ae3_4": return "- find singles with ZIP code locator";

        case "_promo_ae3_5": return "- use our matchmaking system";

        case "_promo_ae3_6": return "- use the site in multiple languages";

        case "_promo_ae3_7": return "- enjoy site powered by <a href=\"{$site['url']}\">[b]aeDating[/b]</a>";

        case "_promo_ae4_0": return "Best personals script ever!";

        case "_promo_ae4_1": return "- post your own free ad with photos";

        case "_promo_ae4_2": return "- chat online with other members";

        case "_promo_ae4_3": return "- talk privately via instant messenger";

        case "_promo_ae4_4": return "- upload voice and video messages";

        case "_promo_ae4_5": return "- use our great matchmaking system";

        case "_promo_ae4_6": return "- surf site in multiple languages";

        case "_promo_ae4_7": return "- find singles with ZIP code locator";

        case "_promo_ae4_8": return "- buy membership or contact stamps";

        case "_promo_ae4_9": return "- enjoy site powered by <a href=\"\">[b]aeDating[/b]</a>";

    case "_promo_text_act_1": return "Sign up today!";

    case "_promo_act_0": return "Talk with other members in online chat or privately via instant messenger";

    case "_promo_act_1": return "Instantly create your own personal profile with photos, video and audio";

    case "_promo_act_2": return "Find singles in your area using our ZIP-code-based locating system";

        case "_promo_text_g4_1": return "Sign up today!";

    case "_promo_g4_0": return "Talk with other members in online chat or instant messenger";

    case "_promo_g4_1": return "Create your own personal profile with photos, video and audio";

    case "_promo_g4_2": return "Find singles in your area using our ZIP-code-based locating system";

    case "_promo_text_frt_1": return "Sign up today!";

    case "_promo_frt_0": return "Talk with other members in online chat or privately via instant messenger";

    case "_promo_frt_1": return "Instantly create your own personal profile with photos, video and audio";

    case "_promo_frt_2": return "Find singles in your area using our ZIP-code-based locating system";

    case "_promo_text_adl_1": return "Sign up today!";

    case "_promo_adl_0": return "<p align=center>Talk with other members in online chat 
 or privately via instant messenger</p>";

    case "_promo_adl_1": return "<p align=center>Instantly create your own personal profile with photos, video and audio</p>";

    case "_promo_adl_2": return "<p align=center>Find singles in your area using 
our ZIP-code-based locating system</p>";

    case "_promo_adl_3": return "<p align=center>Talk with other members in online chat 
 or privately via instant messenger.
Find singles in your area using 
our ZIP-code-based locating system.
Find singles in your area using 
our ZIP-code-based locating system</p>";

        case "_promo_text_gay_1": return "Sign up today!";

    case "_promo_gay_0": return "Create your own personal profile";

        case "_promo_gay_1": return "with photos, video and audio";

        case "_promo_gay_2": return "Find singles in your area using";

        case "_promo_gay_3": return "our ZIP-code locating system";

        case "_promo_gay_4": return "Talk with other members";

    case "_promo_gay_5": return "in online chat or instant messenger";

    case "_promo_gay_": return "Talk with other members in online chat or privately via instant messenger. Find singles in your area using 
our ZIP-code-based locating system. Find singles in your area using our ZIP-code-based locating system";

        // Words and short expressions

        case "_AOL": return "AOL";

    case "_IM now (not allowed)": return "IM now (not allowed)";

    case "_im_up": return "IM not available";

        case "_aol": return "AOL";

        case "_a man": return "a man";

        case "_a woman": return "a woman";

        case "_a man or a woman": return "a man or a woman";

        case "_a_female": return "F";

        case "_a_male": return "M";

        case "_a_couple": return "C";

        case "_About me": return "About me";

        case "_About me required": return "\"About me\" description must be at least 50 characters long.";

        case "_About you required": return "\"About you\" description must be at least 50 characters long.";

        case "_About Us": return "About Us";

        case "_About you": return "About you";

        case "_Activate account": return "Activate account";

		case "_active_story":return "Active Story";

        case "_Add comment": return "Add comment";

        case "_Add to cart": return "add to cart";

        case "_Add New Profile": return "Add New Profile";

        case "_Add story": return "Add feedback";

        case "_Add new object" : return "Add new object";

        case "_add stories": return "add feedback";

        case "_Add to Hot List": return "Add to Hot List";

        case "_Add to Friend List": return "Accept Invite";

        case "_Adding member...": return "Adding member...";

        case "_Additional contact information": return "Additional contact information";

        case "_Admin": return "Admin";

        case "_adv_search": return "advanced search";

        case "_Affiliates": return "Affiliates";

        case "_Aged from": return "Aged from";

        case "_aged": return "aged";

        case "_all": return "all";

        case "_All": return "All";

        case "_Amount": return "Amount";

        case "_Anonymous": return "Anonymous";

        case "_Any entries is not found": return "Any entries is not found";

        case "_April": return "April";

        case "_Articles": return "Articles";

        case "_ascending": return "ascending";

        case "_Attention": return "Attention";

        case "_August": return "August";

        case "_Availability for FREE": return "Availability for FREE";

        case "_available": return "available";

        case "_average rate": return "average rate";

        case "_avff": return "Availability for FREE";

        case "_Back to": return "Back to";

        case "_Back Invite": return "Back Invite";

        case "_Bid": return "Bid";

        case "_Block": return "Block";

        case "_Block list": return "Block list";

        case "_block member": return "block member";

        case "_Blog": return "Blog";

        case "_Body type": return "Body type";

        case "_BodyType": return "Body type";

        case "_BodyType2": return "Body type of person 2";

        case "_Both": return "Both";

        case "_both": return "all";

        case "_both2": return "both";

        case "_Brief Profile": return "Brief Profile";

        case "_Browse Profiles": return "Browse Profiles";

        case "_by age": return "by age";

        case "_by contact price": return "by contact price";

        case "_by rate": return "by rate";

        case "_by times contacted": return "by times contacted";

        case "_imerr membership_required": return "can not send message, click <a target=_parent href=\"{$site['url']}membership.php\"> here </a> to start sending private messages.";

        case "_imerr to_n_active": return "can not send message to inactive member.";

        case "_imerr from_n_active": return "your profile is not in active mode.";

        case "_imerr blocked": return "your are in block list of this member.";

        case "_characters": return "characters";

        case "_chars_to_chars": return "$arg0 to $arg1 characters";

        case "_Chat": return "chat";

        case "_Chat2": return "Chat";

        case "_Chat Now": return "Online Chat";

        case "_chat now": return "chat now";

        case "_Chatting": return "Chatting";

        case "_chat window": return "chat window";

        case "_Cancel password(s)": return "Cancel password(s)";

        case "_Cart": return "Cart";

        case "_CartDiscount title": return "Go on shopping now! You will receive these discounts:";

        case "_CartDiscount NumOfProf": return "Number of profiles";

        case "_CartDiscount Discount": return "Total price";

        case "_CastVote": return "Cast my vote";

        case "_Check Out": return "Check Out";

        case "_Check all": return "Check all";

        case "_Children": return "Children";

        case "_Choose file for upload" : return "Choose file for upload";

        case "_children": return "children";

        case "_City": return "City";

        case "_City reqired": return "City is required.";

        case "_CLICK_AGREE": return "Please read \"Term of Use\" before joining";

        case "_Close": return "Close";

        case "_Communicator": return "communicator";

        case "_Communication": return "Communication";

        case "_Community Stats": return "Community Stats";

        case "_Compose New Message": return "Compose New Message";

        case "_Contact Sales": return "Contact Sales";

        case "_contacts": return "contacts";

        case "_contacts_adl": return "contacts";

        case "_contacts_img": return "<img src=templates/tmpl_adl/images_adl/envelope.gif border=0>";

        case "_contact": return "contact";

        case "_contact list": return  "contact list";

        case '_Contact_us': return "CONTACT US";

        case "_Confirm E-mail": return "Confirm E-mail";

        case "_Confirm": return "Confirm";

        case "_Confirm password": return "Confirm password";

        case "_Confirm your e-mail": return "Confirm your e-mail";

        case "_Confirm your password": return "Confirm your password";

        case "_Confirmation code": return "Confirmation code";

        case "_Confirmation e-mail": return "Confirmation e-mail";

        case "_Congratulations": return "Congratulations";

        case "_Contact": return "Contact";

        case "_Contact Anyone For Free": return "Contact Anyone For Free";

        case "_Contacts": return "Contacts";

        case "_Contacts purchased": return "Contacts purchased";

        case "_Contact information": return "Contact information";

        case "_Contact information sent": return "Contact information sent";

        case "_Contact information not sent": return "Contact information not sent";

        case "_Contact price": return "Contact price";

        case "_Contact details": return "Contact details";

        case "_Continue": return "Continue";

        case "_Control Panel": return "control panel";

        case "_Country": return "Country";

        case "_couple": return "couple";

        case "_credits": return "credits";

        case "_clc" : return "creating lifestyle communities";

        case "_Current deposit": return "Current deposit";

        case "_Current membership": return "Current membership";

        case "_Currently Online": return "Currently Online";

        case "_Custom menu": return "custom menu";

        case "_Date": return "Date";

        case "_Date of birth": return "Date of birth";

        case "_DateOfBirth": return "Age";

        case "_DateOfBirth2": return "Age of person 2";

        case "_December": return "December";

        case "_Delete": return "Delete";

        case "_Delete account": return "Delete account";

        case "_Delete from Friend List": return "Delete from Friend List";

        case "_Deleting member...": return "Deleting member...";

        case "_Details of the person you are looking for": return "Details of the person you are looking for";

        case "_descending": return "descending";

        case "_Description": return "Description";

        case "_Do you drink?": return "Do you drink?";

        case "_Do you smoke?": return "Do you smoke?";

        case "_Do you really want to delete this entry?": return "Do you really want to delete this entry?";

        case "_Download and listen": return  "Download and listen";

        case "_Download and see": return "Download and see";

        case "_Doesnt matter": return "Doesn't matter";

        case "_Drinking": return "Drinking";

        case "_Drinking?": return "Drinking?";

        case "_Drinker": return "Drinker";

        case "_Drinker2": return "2nd person drinker";

        case "_E-mail": return "E-mail";

        case "_E-mail required": return "Personal e-mail address required.";

        case "_E-mail valid required": return "E-mail address doesn't look valid.";

        case "_E-mail sent": return "E-mail sent";

        case "_E-mail or ID": return "Nickname";

        case "_Email confirmation": return "Email confirmation";

        case "_Email confirmation Ex": return "E-mail confirmed";

        case "_Email was successfully sent": return "Email was successfully sent";

        case "_Email sent failed": return "Email sent failed";

        case "_Education": return "Education";

        case "_Education2": return "Education of person 2";

        case "_Edit Profile": return "Edit Profile";

        case "_edit profile": return "edit profile";

        case "_Edit": return "Edit";

        case "_Empty": return "Empty";

        case "_Empty Cart": return "Empty Cart";

           case "_Emptying cart...": return "Emptying cart...";

        case "_Enter profile ID": return "Enter profile ID";

        case "_Enter what you see:": return "Enter what you see:";

        case "_Error": return "Error";

        case "_Error code": return "Error code";

        case "_Error sending kiss": return "Error sending kiss";

        case "_Ethnicity": return "Ethnicity";

        case "_Ethnicity2": return "Ethnicity of person 2";

        case "_Extended search": return "Extended search";

        case "_Explanation": return "Explanation";

        case "_F": return "F";

        case "_FAQ": return "FAQ";

        case "_February": return "February";

        case "_Female": return "Female";

        case "_Female_": return "Female";

        case "_Fetch": return "Search";

        case "_Find": return "Find";

        case "_Find!": return "Find!";

        case "_Finance": return "Finance";

        case "_First": return "First";

        case "_Free e-mail": return "get e-mail";

        case "_free_sign_up": return "Free Sign Up";

        case "_Free sound": return "Free sound";

        case "_Friend email": return "Friend email";

        case "_Friends: ": return "Friends: ";

        case "_Friends": return "Friends";

        case "_female": return "female";

        case "_featured": return "featured";

        case "_featured members": return "featured members";

        case "_featured profiles": return "featured profiles";

        case "_for free": return "for [b]free[/b]";

        case "_for": return "for";

        case "_for only": return "for only $doll[b]$arg0[/b]";

        case "_Forgot": return "Forgot";

        case "_Forgot?": return "Forgot?";

        case "_Forgot password?": return "Forgot password?";

        case "_former USSR": return "former USSR";

        case "_Forum": return "Forum";

        case "_From": return "From";

        case "_From Primary": return "From Primary";

        case "_from": return "from";

        case "_from zip/postal code": return "from zip/postal code";

        case "_from ZIP": return "from ZIP";

        case "_free": return "free";

        case "_Gallery": return "Gallery";

        case "_my_gallery": return "My gallery";

        case "_General description": return "General description";

        case "_General self-description": return "General self-description";

        case "_Go": return "Go";

        case "_Affiliate Program":  return "Affiliate Program";

        case "_Congratulation":     return "<font color=red>Congratulation!!!</font>

        case "_Got_members_part_1": return "You've got ";

        case "_Got_members_part_2": return " member(s) engaged. ";

        case "_Need_more_members":  return "(Need more members engaged to get new membership status )";

        case "_Choose_membership":  return " You may choose your membership status";

        case "_Got_new_membership_part_1": return "<center>Congratulation!!!
You're <font color=red>";

        case "_Got_new_membership_part_2": return " </font>member now. Your membership will expire in ";

        case "_Got_new_membership_part_3": return " days.</center>";

        case "_Gold Members": return "Privileged Members";

        case "_Gold Membership Subscriptions": return "Membership Subscriptions";

        case "_grant password": return "grant password";

        case "_granted": return "granted";

        case "_guestbook": return "GuestBook";

        case "_GuestbookMode": return "Guestbook mode";

        case "_GuestbookAccess": return "Guestbook access";

        case "_my_guestbook": return "My GuestBook";

        case "_blog": return "Blog";

        case "_my_blog": return "My Blog";

        case "_no_info": return "No info";

        case "_Enable": return "Enable";

        case "_Disable": return "Disable";

        case "_Suspend": return "Suspend";

        case "_Registered only": return "Registered only";

        case "_Friends only": return "Friends only";

        case "_Add record": return "Add record";

        case "_Visitor": return "Visitor";

        case "_Have N children": return "Have $arg0 children";

        case "_Have no children": return "Have no children";

        case "_Height": return "Height";

        case "_Height2": return "Height of person 2";

        case "_Header": return "Header";

        case "_HelloPeople": return "Hello People!!!";

        case "_Headline": return "Headline";

        case "_Hide": return "Hide";

        case "_Home": return "Home";

        case "_Home address": return "Home address";

        case "_Homepage": return "Homepage";

        case "_Hot list": return "Hot list";

        case "_hot member": return "hot member";

        case "_Friend list": return "Friend list";

        case "_friend member": return "friend member";

        case "_HTML": return "HTML";

        case "_I AGREE": return "I agree with <a target=_blank href=\"{$site['url']}terms_of_use.php\"> Terms of Use </a>";

        case "_I am": return "I am";

        case "_I am a": return "I am a";

        case "_I seek a": return "I seek a";

        case "_I can receive": return "I can receive";

        case "_I look for a": return "I look for a";

        case "_I prefer not to say": return "I prefer not to say";

        case "_I will tell you later": return "I will tell you later";

        case "_ICQ UIN": return "ICQ UIN";

        case "_ICQ": return "ICQ";

        case "_icq": return "ICQ";

        case "_IM UIN": return "IM UIN";

        case "_IM title": return "Private Messages";

        case "_starts immediately": return "starts immediately";

        case "_IM now": return "IM $arg0 now!";

        case "_im_textInit": return "Add users to IM and start chatting";

        case "_im_textNoCurrUser": return "Please select a user first";

        case "_im_textNoAcessA": return "You should be an active member to use IM";

        case "_im_textNoAcessG": return "You should be a gold member to use IM";

        case "_im_textLogin": return "Please login first";

        case "_im_textSend": return "Send";

        case "_ID": return "E-Mail or ID";

        case "_Ideal match description": return "Ideal match description";

        case "_Income": return "Income";

        case "_Income2": return "Income of person 2";

        case "_Incorrect Email": return "Incorrect Email";

        case "_Increase deposit": return "Increase deposit (min. $doll$arg0)";

        case "_Interest": return "Interest";

        case "_Invalid ID": return "Invalid ID";

        case "_Invite a friend": return "Invite a friend";

        case "_January": return "January";

        case "_Join": return "Join";

        case "_Join For Free": return "Join For Free";

        case "_Join Free": return "Join Free";

        case "_Join now": return "Join now";

        case "_June": return "June";

        case "_July": return "July";

        case "_kilometers": return "kilometers";

        case "_kb": return "kb";

        case "_Kisses": return "Kisses";

        case "_Language": return "Language";

        case "_Language 1": return "Language 1";

        case "_Language 2": return "Language 2";

        case "_Language 3": return "Language 3";

        case "_Language1": return "Language";

        case "_Language12": return "Language of person 2";

        case "_Last": return "Last";

        case "_Last login": return "Last login";

        case "_Last logged in": return "Last logged in";

        case "_Last changes": return "Last changes";

        case "_Last modified": return "Last modified";

        case "_latest news": return "latest news";

        case "_Latest Members": return "Latest Members";

        case "_launch IM": return "launch IM";

        case "_Links": return "Links";

        case "_living with me": return "living with me";

        case "_living within": return "living within";

        case "_listen voice": return "listen voice";

        case "_length": return "length";

        case "_Location": return "Location";

        case "_Log In": return "log in";

        case "_Login": return "Login";

        case "_LOG_IN_1": return "LOG IN";

        case "_Log Out": return "log out";

        case "_Log Out2": return "Log Out";

        case "_Logged in": return "Logged in";

        case "_Login required": return "Login required";

        case "_login_title": return "Already a member?";

        case "_name_adl": return "Name";

        case "_LookingFor": return "Looking for";

        case "_LookingAge": return "Looking for an age range";

        case "_LookingHeight": return "Looking for a height";

        case "_LookingBodyType": return "Looking for a body type";

        case "_Looking for": return "Looking for";

        case "_looking for": return "looking for";

        case "_M": return "M";

        case "_M": return "M";

        case "_Must be valid": return "Must be valid";

        case "_MSN": return "MSN";

        case "_msn": return "MSN";

        case "_MAIN MENU": return "MAIN MENU";

        case "_Main Menu": return "Main Menu";

        case "_Make me available for free": return "Make me available for free";

        case "_Make thumb out of primary": return "Make thumb out of primary";

        case "_Make Failed thumb out of primary": return "Failed to make thumb out of primary!";

        case "_Make Success thumb out of primary": return "Successfully made thumb out of primary!";

        case "_Male": return "Male";

        case "_Male_": return "Male";

        case "_Male or female": return "Male or female";

        case "_Male or female_": return "Male or female";

        case "_March": return "March";

        case "_man": return "man";

        case "_Men": return "Men";

        case "_men": return "men";

        case "_men and women": return "men and women";

        case "_man_": return "man";

        case "_Manage objects" : return "
Manage objects

        case "_Manage alboms" : return "
Manage albums

        case "_Manage categories" : return "
Manage categories

        case "_male": return "male";

        case "_Marital status": return "Marital status";

        case "_MaritalStatus": return "Marital status";

        case "_Mark as New": return "Mark as New";

        case "_Mark as old": return "Mark as old";

        case "_Mark as Featured": return "Mark as Featured";

        case "_Maximum characters": return "Maximum characters";

        case "_May": return "May";

        case "_Maybe": return "Maybe";

        case "_MEMBER MENU": return "member menu";

        case "_Member": return "Member";

        case "_Member control panel": return "Member control panel";

        case "_Member Information": return "Member Information";

        case "_Member Login": return "Member Login";

        case "_Member menu": return "member menu";

        case "_Member Profile": return "Member Profile";

        case "_Member Profile NA for view": return "Member profile not available for view.";

        case "_Member sound": return "Member sound";

        case "_Member video": return "Member video";

        case "_members": return "members";

        case "_members Hot": return "Hot members";

        case "_members Friend": return "Friend members";

        case "_members Block": return "Blocked members";

        case "_members Kissed": return "Kissed members";

        case "_members Viewed": return "Viewed members";

        case "_members Contacted": return "Contacted members";

        case "_members Contacted for free": return "Contacted for free members";

        case "_members Private_photos_access": return "Private photos passwords";

        case "_member info": return "member info";

        case "_Membership": return "membership";

        case "_membership": return "Membership";

        case "_Membership2": return "Membership";

        case "_NO_SUCH_MEMBER_OR_NO_SUCH_MEMBERSHIP": return "Not a member or no such membership";

        case "_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_MEMBERSHIP": return "This action is not allowed by your membership level";

        case "_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_UNCONFIRMED": return "This action is not allowed to unconfirmed members";

        case "_COMPOSE_REJECT_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND": return "Recipient not found";

        case "_Membership NEW": return "Available Membership Types";

        case "_days": return " days";

        case "_mem_level_days": return "Expiration days";

        case "_Membership Credits": return "Credits";

        case "_Membership Status": return "Membership Status";

        case "_Message from": return "Message from";

        case "_Message not available": return "Message not available";

        case "_Message Preview": return "Message Preview";

        case "_Message text": return "Message text";

        case "_Messages": return "Messages";

        case "_Messages in Inbox": return "Messages in Inbox";

        case "_Messages in Outbox": return "Messages in Outbox";

        case "_miles": return "miles";

        case "_km": return "km";

        case "_Moderator": return "Moderator";

        case "_More Photos": return "more photos";

        case "_More Photos2": return "[b]View other photos of $arg0[/b]";

        case "_more": return "more";

        case "_More..": return "...";

        case "_My Email": return "My Email";

        case "_My Inbox": return "my inbox";

        case "_My Outbox": return "my outbox";

        case "_My Membership": return "My Membership";

        case "_My Messenger": return "My Messenger";

        case "_My Membership": return "My Membership";

        case "_My Panel": return "My Panel";

        case "_My Photos": return "my photos";

        case "_My Profile": return "my profile";

        case "_NA_image": return "Can not save image";

        case "_Name": return "Name";

        case "_never": return "never";

        case "_new": return "new";

        case "_New Message": return "new message";

        case "_New Member": return "New Member";

        case "_New Member Add Here": return "Add a new member here";

        case "_New profile created": return "New profile has been successfully created.";

        case "_New picture": return "New picture";

        case "_New sound": return "New sound";

        case "_New video": return "New video";

        case "_New this week": return "New this week";

        case "_newsletter": return "newsletter";

        case "_Next": return "Next";

        case "_Next>>": return "Next >>";

        case "_news_archive" : return "News Archive";

        case "_NickName's profile": return "'s profile";

        case "_NickName": return "NickName";

        case "_Nickname": return "Nickname";

        case "_ProfileType": return "Profile type";

        case "_Nickname required": return "Nickname is required.";

        case "_No": return "No";

        case "_No matters": return "No matters";

        case "_No member to add": return "No member to add";

        case "_No member to delete": return "No member to delete";

        case "_No member specified": return "No member specified";

        case "_No membership available": return "No gold membership options available for the moment. Please, check later.";

        case "_No messages in Inbox": return "No messages in Inbox";

        case "_No messages in Outbox": return "No messages in Outbox";

        case "_No modification": return "No modifications were done.";

        case "_No news available": return "No news available";

        case "_No polls available": return "No polls available";

        case "_No pics available": return "No pictures available";

        case "_No results found": return "No results found.";

        case "_No sounds available": return  "No sounds available";

        case "_No success story available.": return "No feedback available.";

        case "_no such name or no message": return " no such name or no message";

        case "_No video available": return "No video available";

        case "_None": return "None";

        case "_none": return "none";

        case "_Not enough credits": return "Not enough credits to do this action";

        case "_not living with me": return "not living with me";

        case "_not granted": return "not granted";

        case "_Not read": return "Not read";

        case "_not read": return "not read";

        case "_Not Recognized": return "Not Recognized";

        case "_Not sure": return "Not sure";

        case "_NotNotifyMe": return "Do Not Notify Me";

        case "_Notification send failed": return "Notification send failed";

        case "_Notify me about news, tips": return "Notify me about news, tips";

        case "_NotifyMe": return "Notify Me";

        case "_Notify by e-mail": return "Notify by e-mail";

        case "_November": return "November";

        case "_Occupation": return "Occupation";

        case "_October": return "October";

        case "_Only in English": return "Only in English";

        case "_only": return "only";

        case "_Online": return "Online";

        case "_Online Members": return "Online Members";

        case "_online only": return "online only";

        case "_Offline": return "Offline";

        case "_Ok, entry not deleted.": return "Ok, entry not deleted.";

        case "_Ok, entry was deleted successful.": return "Ok, entry was deleted successful.";

        case "_Oops, cannot delete this entry.": return "Oops, cannot delete this entry.";

        case "_Open in new window": return "Open in new window";

        case "_or send request for password": return "or send request for password";

        case "_Other details": return "Other details";

        case "_page navigation": return "page navigation";

        case "_Pages": return "Pages";

        case "_Password": return "Password";

        case "_pass_adl": return "Pass";

        case "_Password granted": return "Password granted";

        case "_Password required": return "Password must be from 4 to 8 characters long.";

        case "_Password retrieval": return "Member password retrieval at $site[title]";

        case "_Pay-per-contact": return "Pay-per-contact";

        case "_Personal details": return "Personal details";

        case "_Personal details2": return "Details of second person";

        case "_Phone": return "Phone";

        case "_Photo successfully deleted": return "Photo successfully deleted";

        case "_pics_only": return "with pics only";

        case "_Picture": return "Picture";

        case "_Polls": return "Polls";

        case "_post my feedback": return "post my feedback";

        case "_PPNotify": return "Notify about requests";

        case "_PPNotifyNote": return "Notify me about requests for private photos via email";

        case "_Prev": return "Prev";

        case "_Preview": return "Preview";

        case "_Price, $": return "Price, $doll";

        case "_Price, ": return "Price, ";

        case "_Primary Picture": return "Primary Picture";

        case "_Primary photo successfully deleted": return "Primary photo successfully deleted.";

        case "_Primary photo remove failed": return "Primary photo remove failed.";

        case "_Private message": return "private message";

        case "_Private photo": return "Private photo";

        case "_Privacy": return "Privacy";

        case "_Private photo": return "Private photo";

        case "_Private photo password": return "Private photo password";

        case "_Private passwod": return "Private password";

        case "_Profile last modified": return "Profile last modified";

        case "_Profile status": return "Profile status";

        case "_Profile NA": return "Profile not available for view";

        case "_Profile Not found": return "Profile has not been found";

        case "_Profile Not found Ex": return "Specified profile not found in the database. It must have been removed earlier.";

        case "_Profiles": return "Profiles";

        case "_Profile": return "Profile";

        case "_Profile activation failed": return "Profile activation failed.";

        case "_Profile of the week": return "Profile of the week";

        case "_Profile of the month": return "Profile of the month";

        case "_Purchased contacts": return "Purchased contacts";

        case "_private": return "private";

        case "_public": return "public";

        case "_friends only": return "friends only";

        case "_random profiles": return "random profiles";

        case "_Random Members": return "Random Members";

        case "_rate": return "rate";

        case "_rate profile": return "rate profile";

        case "_rate photo": return "rate photos";

        case "_Rate Photo": return "Rate Photos";

        case '_Rating': return "Rate";

        case "_Read access:": return "Read access:";

        case "_Read more": return "Read more";

        case "_Readed": return "Readed";

        case "_Read news in archive": return "Read news in archive";

        case "_Real name": return "Real name";

        case "_Real name required": return "Real name required.";

        case "_Recognized": return "Recognized";

        case "_Registration error": return "Registration error";

        case "_Reject invite": return "Reject invite";

        case "_Reject Invite": return "Reject Invite";

        case "_Relationship": return "Relationship";

        case "_Relationship required": return "Relationship: at least one type must be specified.";

        case "_Religion": return "Religion";

        case "_Religion2": return "Religion of person 2";

        case "_Reply": return "Reply";

        case "_Report about spam was sent": return "Report about spam was sent";

        case "_Report about spam failed to sent": return "Report about spam failed to sent";

        case "_report member": return "report member";

        case "_Results per page": return "Results per page";

        case "_Results": return "Results";

        case "_Retrieve": return "Retrieve";

        case "_Retrieve my information": return "Retrieve my information";

        case "_Quick Links": return "Quick Links";

        case "_Quick Search": return "Quick Search";

        case "_Save Changes": return "Save Changes";

        case "_Services": return "Services";

        case "_services": return "services";

        case "_sec": return "sec.";

        case "_send a kiss": return "send a kiss";

        case "_email to frend": return "email to friend";

        case "_score": return "score";

        case "_size": return "size";

        case "_single" : return "single";

        case "_Sign Up FREE": return "sign up free";

        case "_SIMG_ERR": return "Code from security images is incorrect";

        case "_Search": return "Search";

        case "_Search result": return "Search result";

        case "_Search by ID": return "Search by ID";

        case "_Search by Nickname": return "Search by Nickname";

        case "_Search by distance": return "Search by distance";

        case "_Search Profiles": return "Search Profiles";

        case "_Search profiles": return "Search profiles";

        case "_Search Profiles": return "Search Profiles";

        case "_Secondary Picture": return "Secondary Picture";

        case "_Secondary photo successfully deleted": return "Secondary photo successfully deleted.";

        case "_Secondary photo remove failed": return "Secondary photo remove failed";

        case "_See profile": return "See profile";

        case "_See PERSON's Profile": return "See $arg0's Profile";

        case "_seeking a": return "seeking a";

        case "_Seeking for a": return "Seeking for a";

        case "_search_Sex": return "I am a";

        case "_search profiles": return "search profiles";

        case "_search_Country": return "Country";

        case "_search_DateOfBirth": return "Age";

        case "_search_Height": return "Height";

        case "_search_BodyType": return "Body Type";

        case "_search_Religion": return "Religion";

        case "_search_Ethnicity": return "Ethnicity";

        case "_search_MaritalStatus": return "Marital Status";

        case "_search_Education": return "Education";

        case "_search_Income": return "Income";

        case "_search_Smoker": return "Smoker";

        case "_search_Drinker": return "Drinker";

        case "_search_LookingFor": return "Looking for a";

        case "_search_Language1": return "Language";

        case "_Selected messages": return "Selected messages";

        case "_Send": return "Send";

        case "_Send a message": return "Send a message";

        case "_Send a message to": return "Send a message to:";

        case "_Send e-mail": return "Send e-mail";

        case "_Send kiss": return "Send kiss";

        case "_Send Kiss": return "send kiss";

        case "_Send Kiss cannt": return "Can not send now";

        case "_Send to communicator": return "to communicator";

        case "_Send to e-mail": return "to e-mail";

        case "_Send virtual kiss": return "Send virtual kiss";

        case "_Send virtual kiss2": return "Virtual kiss sent";

        case "_Send virtual kiss3": return "Virtual kiss NOT sent";

        case "_Send Letter": return "Send Letter";

        case "_September": return "September";

        case "_Settings": return "Settings";

        case "_Set membership": return "Set membership";

        case "_Sex": return "Sex";

        case "_Shopping Cart": return "Shopping Cart";

        case "_Shopping cart emptied": return "Shopping cart emptied";

        case "_Short Profiles Search": return "Short Profiles Search";

        case "_shout_box_title": return "ShoutBox";

        case "_Show": return "Show";

        case "_Show me": return "Show me";

        case "_Smoking": return "Smoking";

        case "_Smoking?": return "Smoking?";

        case "_Smoker": return "Smoker";

        case "_Smoker2": return "2nd person smoker";

        case "_sometimes living with me": return "sometimes living with me";

        case "_Sorry": return "Sorry";

        case "_sorry, i can not define you ip adress. IT'S TIME TO COME OUT !": return "Sorry, I can't define you IP address. IT'S TIME TO COME OUT!";

        case "_Sorry, user is OFFLINE": return "Sorry, but user is OFFLINE at the moment.\\nPlease try later...";

        case "_sort": return "sort";

        case "_Sort order": return "Sort order";

        case "_Sort results": return "Sort results";

        case "_Sound": return "Sound";

        case "_Spam report": return "Spam report";

        case "_spam member": return "spam report";

        case "_Special offer": return "Special offer";

        case "_Spoken languages": return "Spoken languages";

        case "_speak": return "can speak";

        case "_Status": return "Status";

        case "_Stories": return "feedback";

        case "_Stories2": return "Feedback";

        case "_Submit": return "Submit";

        case "_Submit request": return "Submit request";

        case "_Subscribe": return "Subscribe";

        case "_Subject": return "Subject";

        case "_Successfully uploaded": return "Successfully uploaded!";

        case "_success story": return "feedback";

        case "_Suspend account": return "Suspend account";

        case "_survey": return "survey";

        case "_Text": return "Text";

        case "_Terms_of_use": return "Terms of use";

        case "_Tell a friend": return "Tell a friend";

        case "_Theme": return "Theme";

        case "_This guestbook disabled by it's owner": return "This guestbook disabled by it's owner";

        case "_This guestbook allowed for registered members only": return "This guestbook allowed for registered members only";

        case "_This guestbook allowed for friends only": return "This guestbook allowed for friends only";

        case "_You can not write any messages, this guestbook is suspended": return "You can not write any messages, this guestbook is suspended";

        case "_Thumbnail": return "Thumbnail";

        case "_Thumbnail successfully deleted": return "Thumbnail successfully deleted.";

        case "_Thumbnail remove failed": return "_Thumbnail remove failed.";

        case "_Thumb": return "Thumb";

        case "_Timely": return "Timely";

        case "_time(s)": return "time(s)";

        case "_to": return "to";

        case "_To": return "to";

        case "_to_post": return "To post you must be logged in!";

        case "_To view the photos you have to become a gold member. Go to <a href=\"{$site['url']}membership.php\" target=\"_blank\">Gold Membership page</a> to purchase membership.": return "To view the photos you have to become a gold member. Go to <a href=\"{$site['url']}membership.php\" target=\"_blank\">Gold Membership page</a> to purchase membership.";

        case "_top rated": return "top rated";

        case "_Top Members": return "Top Members";

        case "_Total": return "Total";

        case "_total": return "total";

        case "_Total amount": return "Total amount";

        case "_Total price": return "Total price";

        case "_Total Registered": return "Total Registered";

        case "_total votes": return "total votes";

        case "_Uncheck all": return "Uncheck all";

        case "_Unblock": return "Unblock";

        case "_Undefined error": return "Undefined error";

        case "_mem_status": return "Membership Status";

        case "__Silver": return "Silver";

        case "__Gold": return "Gold";

        case "__Platinum": return "Platinum";

        case "__Standard": return "Standard";

        case "__silver": return "silver";

        case "__standard": return "standard";

        case "_Unknown action": return "Unknown action";

        case "_uknown": return "uknown";

        case "_Unregister": return "Unregister";

        case "_Upload": return "Upload";

        case "_Upload Photos": return "upload photos";

        case "_Upload Sound": return "upload sound";

        case "_Upload Video": return "upload video";

        case "_Update story": return "Update feedback";

        case "_Use latin set": return "Use latin set";

        case "_use credits": return "use credits";

        case "_use credits msg": return "use credits ($arg0 per message)";

        case "_User was added to block list": return "User was added to block list";

        case "_User was added to hot list": return "User was added to hot list";

        case "_User was added to friend list": return "User was added to friend list";

        case "_User was invited to friend list": return "User was invited to friend list";

        case "_already_in_friend_list": return "This user already in your Friendlist!";

        case "_User was added to im":  return "User was added to the instant messenger";

        case "_Video": return "Video";

        case "_Video file successfully deleted": return "Video file successfully deleted";

        case "_Video file remove failed": return "Video file remove failed";

        case "_view video": return "view video";

        case "_View profile": return "view profile";

        case "_View Profile": return "view profile";

        case "_view as profile details": return "view as profile details";

        case "_view as photo gallery": return "view as photo gallery";

        case "_Visitor menu": return "visitor menu";

        case "_Vote profile": return "Vote profile";

        case "_VoteBad": return "Bad";

        case "_VoteGood": return "Good";

        case "_Vote Average Mark": return "Vote Average Mark";

        case "_Vote accepted": return "Vote accepted";

        case "_votes": return "votes";

        case "_Write Message": return "Write Message";

        case "_Want children": return "Want children";

        case "_Wants children": return "Wants children";

        case "_Was contacted": return "Was contacted";

        case "_Welcome": return "Welcome";

        case "_with": return "with";

        case "_With photos only": return "with photos only";

        case "_What do you seek somebody for?": return "What do you seek somebody for?";

        case "_within": return "within";

        case "_Whom do you look for?": return "Whom do you look for?";

        case "_who is from": return "who is from";

        case "_Women": return "Women";

        case "_women": return "women";

        case "_woman": return "woman";

        case "_woman_": return "woman";

        case "_Write access:": return "Write access:";

        case "_write message": return "write message";

        case "_XX match": return "$arg0% match";

        case "_y/o": return "$arg0 y/o";

        case "_your rate": return "your rate";

        case "_Yes": return "Yes";

        case "_Yahoo": return "Yahoo";

        case "_yahoo": return "Yahoo";

        case "_You can get my": return "You can get my";

        case "_You are": return "You are";

        case "_You already voted": return "You already voted";

        case "_Your email": return "Your email";

        case "_You have to wait for PERIOD minutes before you can write another message!": return "You have to wait for $arg0 minutes before you can write another message!";

        case "_Your name": return "Your name";

        case "_Your Shopping Cart": return "Your Shopping Cart";

        case "_Your private messages here": return "your private messages here";

        case "_Zip/Postal Code": return "Zip/Postal Code";

        case "_Post date": return "Post date";

    // Page titles

        case "_AECHAT_H": return "Chat";

        case "_AECHAT_H1": return "Chat";

        case "_ABOUT_US_H": return "About Us";

        case "_ABOUT_US_H1": return "About $site[title] and its services";

        case "_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_H": return "Email Confirmation";

        case "_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_H1": return "Your e-mail confirmation";

        case "_AFFILIATES_H1": return "Affiliates";

        case "_AFFILIATES_H": return "Affiliates";

        case "_ADD_TO_SHOPPING_CART": return "Add $arg0 to shopping cart";

        case "_ADD_TO_CART": return "add to cart";

        case "_ARTICLES_H": return "$site[title] Articles";

        case "_ARTICLES_H1": return "Dating Articles";

        case "_CART_H": return "Your Shopping Cart";

        case "_CART_H1": return "Here you can check out selected profiles and receive contact information";

        case "_CC_H": return "Communication Center";

        case "_CC_H1": return "Storage for virtual kisses, contacts and messages";

        case "_CHANGE_STATUS_H": return "Change Account Status";

        case "_CHANGE_STATUS_H1": return "Suspend/Activate your $site[title] account";

        case "_CHAT_WITH_": return "add to IM";

        case "_COMING_SOON_H": return "Coming soon";

        case "_COMPOSE_H": return "Compose a new message";

        case "_COMPOSE_H1": return "Compose and send a message";

        case "_COMPOSE_STORY_H": return "Feedback";

        case "_COMPOSE_STORY_H1": return "Feedback";

        case "_CONFIRM_H": return "Receive Confirmation E-mail";

        case "_COMPOSE_STORY_VIEW_H": return "View Feedback";

        case "_COMPOSE_STORY_VIEW_H1": return "View Feedback";

        case "_COMPOSE_NEWS_VIEW_H": return "News View";

        case "_COMPOSE_NEWS_VIEW_H1": return "News View";

        case "_CONTACT_H": return "Contact us";

        case "_CONTACT_H1": return "Feedback section - questions, comments, regards";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_H": return "E-mail Confirmation";

        case "_EXPLANATION_H": return "Explanation";

        case "_FAQ_H": return "Frequently Asked Questions";

        case "_FAQ_H1": return "$site[title] Frequently Asked Questions";

        case "_FEATURED_H": return "Featured profiles";

        case "_FEATURED_H1": return "Featured profiles";

        case "_FORGOT_H": return "Forgot?";

        case "_FREEMAIL_H": return "Get contact information for FREE!";

        case "_HOTORNOT_H": return "Rate photo";

        case "_HOTORNOT_H1": return "Rate photo";

        case "_INBOX_H": return "My Inbox";

        case "_INBOX_H1": return "Inbox - Your incoming messages storage";

        case "_INBOX_g4": return "Inbox";

        case "_INDEX_H": return "Title of the main page (homepage) of your site";

        case "_GET_EMAIL_FOR_FREE": return "Get $arg0's e-mail for FREE";

        case "_GET_EMAIL": return "get e-mail";

        case  "_GET_SOUND_FOR_FREE": return "Get $arg0's sound for FREE";

        case  "_GET_SOUND": return "get sound";

        case "_JOIN_H": return "Free Membership Submit Form";

        case "_JOIN_AFF_H": return "Affiliate sign up";

        case "_LINKS_H": return "$site[title] Links";

        case "_LINKS_H1": return "$site[title] Links";

        case "_MEMBER_LOGIN_H": return "Member Login";

        case "_LINKS_H": return "$site[title] Links";

        case "_MEMBER_PANEL_H": return "Control Panel";

        case "_MEMBER_PANEL_H1": return "$site[title] Member Panel";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_H": return "Membership";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_H1": return "View status/upgrade your membership";

        case "_NEWS_H": return "News";

        case "_OUTBOX_H": return "Send Box";

        case "_OUTBOX_H1": return "Outbox - Your outcoming messages storage";

        case "_OUTBOX_g4": return "Outbox";

        case "_OUR_SERV": return "Our services";

        case "_PRIVACY_H": return "Privacy Policy";

        case "_PRIVACY_H1": return "Privacy policy";

        case "_PHOTOS_H": return "Manage your photos";

        case "_PHOTOS_H2": return "Upload/change your photos here";

        case "_PIC_GALLERY_H": return "Photos gallery";

        case "_PIC_GALLERY_H1": return "Photos gallery";

        case "_POLICY_H": return "Our Policy";

        case "_POLICY_H1": return "$site[title] membership policy";

        case "_PROFILE_H": return "Profile: $arg0";

        case "_PROFILE_VIEW_H": return "Profile view";

        case "_RESULT0_H": return "Order failure";

        case "_RESULT-1_H": return "Possible security attack";

        case "_RESULT1_H": return "Purchase success";

        case "_SEARCH_H": return "Extended Profile Search";

        case "_SEARCH_FOR": return "Search for your soulmate at $SITE_NAME";

        case "_SEARCH_RESULT_H": return "Search Result";

        case "_SEARCH_RESULT_ALLOWED_PROFILES": return "You are allowed to see only first $arg0 profiles that match your search criteria.";

        case "_SOUND_H": return "Manage your sound";

        case "_STORY_VIEW_H1": return "Feedback";

        case "_STORY_VIEW_H": return "Feedback";

        case "_TERMS_OF_USE_H": return "Your terms of use here";

        case "_TERMS_OF_USE_H1": return "Your terms of use here";

        case "_UNREG": return "UNREGISTER from $site[title]";

        case "_VIDEO_H": return "Manage your video";

        case "_VKISS_H": return "Send a virtual kiss";

        case "_VKISS_H_PARAM": return "Send $arg0 a virtual kiss";

    // Page texts

        case "_ABOUT_US": return "Your company information here.";

        case "_ADDING_MEMBER": return "Adding member...";

        case "_ADM_PROFILE_CONFIRM_EM": return  "Email was successfully confirmed.";

        case "_ADM_PROFILE_SEND_MSG": return  "Message was successfully sent.";

        case "_ADM_PROFILE_GM_AVFF": return  "Avff golden membership was successfully changed";

        case "_ADM_PROFILE_GM_AVFF_UNLIM": return  "Avff unlim golden membership was successfully changed";

        case "_ADM_PROFILE_GM_PPC": return  "ppc golden membership was successfully changed";

        case "_AFFILIATES": return "We offer commissions for webmaster who refer visitors to our site. Go to <a href=\"$site[url]join_aff.php\">sign up page</a> to become an affilliate";

        case "_ALREADY_ACTIVATED": return "Your account is already activated. There is no need to do it again.";

        case "_ARTICLES": return "$SITE_NAME Articles";

        case "_ATT_UNCONFIRMED_E": return "You will need to follow the link supplied in the e-mail to get your account submitted for approval. 
Send me <a target=_blank href=\"activation_email.php\">confirmation e-mail</a>.";

        case "_ATT_UNCONFIRMED": return "(<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\" 'explanation.php?explain=Unconfirmed', '', 'width=$expl_win_w,height=$expl_win_h,menubar=no,status=no,resizeable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">Explanation</a>)";

        case "_ATT_APPROVAL": return "(<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\" 'explanation.php?explain=Approval', '', 'width=$expl_win_w,height=$expl_win_h,menubar=no,status=no,resizeable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">Explanation</a>)";

        case "_ATT_APPROVAL_E": return "Your profile activation is in progress. Usually it takes up to 24 hours. Thank you for your patience.";

        case "_ATT_ACTIVE": return "(<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\" 'explanation.php?explain=Active', '', 'width=$expl_win_w,height=$expl_win_h,menubar=no,status=no,resizeable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">Explanation</a>,<a href=\"change_status.php\">Suspend</a>)";

        case "_ATT_ACTIVE_E": return "You are a full-featured member of our community. You can however suspend your profile to become temporarily unavailable for others.";

        case "_ATT_DAYS_FORALL_AVFF": return "You are available for free during $arg0 days.";

        case "_ATT_DAYS_FORALL_CAFF": return "You can contact anyone for free during $arg0 days.";

        case "_ATT_REJECTED": return "(<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\" 'explanation.php?explain=Rejected', '', 'width=$expl_win_w,height=$expl_win_h,menubar=no,status=no,resizeable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">Explanation</a>)";

        case "_ATT_REJECTED_E": return "Your profile is rejected by system administrator because it contains illegal information or misses some of required. If you have any questions, please, <a target=_blank href=\"contact.php\">contact us</a>, and don't forget to specify your profile ID.";

        case "_ATT_SUSPENDED": return "(<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\" 'explanation.php?explain=Suspended', '', 'width=$expl_win_w,height=$expl_win_h,menubar=no,status=no,resizeable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">Explanation</a>)";

        case "_ATT_SUSPENDED_E": return "Your profile is temporarily out of $site[title] system services. You can activate it <a target=_blank href=\"change_status.php\">here</a>. If you have any questions, please <a target=_blank href=\"contact.php\">contact administrators</a>.";

        case "_ATT_MESSAGE": return "[b]<a href=\"$site[url]inbox.php?message=$arg0\">New message</a>[/b] waiting for you!";

        case '_ATT_MESSAGE_NONE': return "No new messages (<a href=\"$site[url]inbox.php\">go to inbox</a>)";

        case "_ATT_UPLOAD": return "You haven't uploaded your photos yet! [b]<a href=\"$site[url]profile_photos.php\">Upload photos now!</a>[/b]";

        case "_ATT_VKISS": return "[b]<a href=\"$site[url]cc.php\">New kiss</a>[/b] waiting for you!";

        case '_ATT_VKISS_NONE': return "No new kisses (<a href=\"$site[url]cc.php\">go to communicator</a>)";

        case "_ATT_FRIEND": return "[b]<a href=\"$site[url]cc.php\">New Friend</a>[/b] waiting for you!";

        case '_ATT_FRIEND_NONE': return "No new friends (<a href=\"$site[url]cc.php\">go to communicator</a>)";

        case "_CANT_SEND_VKISS7": return "Profile not available. Choose profile to send a kiss to:

        case "_CANT_SEND_VKISS13": return "Sorry, you can not send a kiss because of one of the following reasons:

[*]You are not logged in as a $SITE_NAME member. Only members can send each other kisses.[*]Your profile is not in active mode.[*]Profile authentification failed.

If you are not logged in, please, login <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "member.php\">here</a>, or <a href=\" " . $DOMAIN_NAME . "join_form.php\">sign up</a> for a free membership.";

        case "_CANT_VIEW_PROFILE": return "Sorry, you cannot browse this profile.";

        case "_CART_EMPTY": return "Your shopping cart is empty";

        case "_CART_EMPTIED": return "Your shopping cart has been emptied";

        case "_CITY_REQUIRED": return "Your city is required.";

        case "_COMPOSE_REJECT": return "Can not send message, please become a <a href=\"$site[url]membership.php\">gold member</a>";

        case "_COMPOSE_REJECT2": return "Can not send message, the status of your profile is \"approval\"";

        case "_COMPOSE_REJECT_NOT_PR": return "Can not send message, please become a PRIVILEGED member</a>";

        case "_COMING_SOON": return "Sorry, this feature is still unavailable at $SITE_NAME. It is coming pretty soon, though, so please, try later. We appreciate your patience.

Thank you.";

        case "_CONFIRM_NOT_NEEDED": return "There is no need to confirm your e-mail because it's already confirmed.

If you need help, refer to the <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME. "faq.php\">FAQ page</a>. If your problem is not solved there, don't hesitate to <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "contact.php\">contact administrator</a>.

Thank you for using $SITE_NAME services.";

        case "_CONTACT": return "Your contact information here";

        case "_CONTACTS_CHOSEN": return "Your cart has $arg0 contact(s)";

        case "_DELETING_MEMBER": return "Deleting member...";

        case "_DELETE_SUCCESS": return "You account was successfully deleted";

        case "_DELETE_TEXT": return "Your profile and photos will be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete your account?";

        case "_PWD_INVALID": return "Password must be from 5 to 8 characters long or password confirmation failed.";

        case "_PWD_INVALID2": return "Password must be from 5 to 8 characters long or password confirmation failed.";

        case "_DESC_LEAST": return "Description must be at least 150 characters long.";

        case "_DB_ACTIVATION_FAILED": return "Sorry, database activation failed. There must be a slight problem with local database server.
Please, try again later. We appreciate your patience. Error report has been sent.";

        case "_DB_ACCESS_ERROR": return "Sorry, an error occured during the attempt to access the database. Report has been send to administrators.
Please, try again later. We appreciate your patience. Error report has been sent.";

        case "_EMAIL_ALREADY_USED_BY": return "E-mail address [b]$arg0[/b] is already used by member [b]$arg1[/b].";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED": return "E-mail confirmation failed.";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED_EX": return "This could happen because of improper web links display by some web mail services. If you see this message, please try to <u>exactly</u> copy the link supplied with the confirmation e-mail and paste it into your browser's address bar [b]or[/b] just enter the confirmation code (which also comes with the e-mail) below:";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_NOT_SENT": return "[b]Mail has NOT been sent.[/b]
Unfortunately we could not send the confirmation e-mail to you at this time. Please, try later. We appologize for inconvenience. <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "contact.php\">Report the bug to</a> administrator</a>.";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_SENT": return "[b]Mail has been successfully sent.[/b]
You will receive it within a minute.";

        case "_EMAIL_CONF_SUCCEEDED": return "Congratulations! Your e-mail confirmation succeeded.

Your account will be activated within 12 hours. Our administrators will personally look through your details to make sure you have set everything right. This helps $SITE_NAME be the most true dating service in the world. We care about the quality of our profiles, and thus we can guarantee that every single user of our system is a real one, so if you buy someone's contact information, you can be sure that your money won't just flow away to scamers and other cheaters.";

        case "_EMAIL_INVALID": return "E-mail address doesn't seem to be valid or E-mail confirmation failed or E-mail used by another member.";

        case "_EMAIL_INVALID_AFF": return "E-mail address doesn't seem to be valid.";

        case "_EMAIL_REQUIRED": return "Personal e-mail address is required.";

        case "_EMPTYING_CART": return "Emptying cart...";

        case "_ENTER_CONF_CODE": return "Enter confirmation code";

        case "_ERROR_OCCURED": return "Sorry, an error occured. Please, try later.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_SOUND": return "Failed to upload sound.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_VIDEO": return "Failed to upload video.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC": return "Failed to delete picture.
<div class=small>(Error code: $arg0)</div>";

        case "_FAILED_TO_MAKE_THUMB_FROM_PRIMARY": return "Failed to make thumbnail out of primary.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE": return "Failed to send message to one or more recipients.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_LIMIT": return "Failed to send message to one or more recipients. Your daily limit ($arg0 messages) has expired.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_BLOCK": return "Failed to send message. You are in block list of this member";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_MEMBERSHIP": return "Failed to send message. You are standart member. <a href=\"membership.php\">Click here</a> to upgrade.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_NO_CREDITS": return "Failed to send message. You do not have enough credits to sent message. <a href=\"membership.php\">Click here</a> to buy more credits.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE": return "Failed to send message. Recipient is not active member.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PROFILE": return "Failed to update profile.";

        case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC": return "Failed to upload file [b]$arg0[/b]! Make sure it's a picture of [b]jpg[/b], [b]gif[/b], or [b]png[/b] format.
<div class=small>(Error code: $arg1)</div>


        case "_FAQ_INFO": return "Your FAQ here";

        case "_FIELDS*_OPTIONAL": return "Fields with (*) are optional.";

        case "_FORGOT": return "Forgot your ID and/or password? No problem! Please, supply your e-mail address below and you will be sent your $SITE_NAME account ID and password.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_ALREADY_SENT": return "You already requested !!! this member's contact information for free. You can see it in <a href=\"profile.php?ID=$arg0\">their profile</a>, or in <a href=\"cc.php\">your communicator</a>.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_CHOOSE_ID": return "You must choose a member to retrieve e-mail for FREE by specifying their ID:";

        case "_FREEMAIL_BLOCK": return "Sorry, contact information could not be sent to you. You are in block list of this member";

        case "_FREEMAIL_ERROR": return "Sorry, contact information could not be sent to you at this time. Make sure that:

[*]You are logged in;[*]Your profile is in active mode.

Thank you.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED": return "Sorry, this member's contact information cannot be received for free. You must purchase it.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_NOT_KISSED": return "You were not kissed by $arg0 member.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_NOT_SENT": return "You have just been sent an e-mail with $arg0's contact information.";

        case "_FREEMAIL_SENT": return "You have just been sent an e-mail with $arg0's contact information.";

        case "_IF_EMAIL_YOURS_LOGIN": return "If this is your e-mail address, try to <a href=\"$site[url]member.php\">log in</a> using it.";

        case "_IN_ENGLISH_ONLY": return "You must write it [b]in English only[/b].";

        case "_INCORRECT_EMAIL": return "The e-mail you entered doesn't seem to be valid. Please, try again.";

        case "_INDEX1": return "Welcome to $SITE_NAME!
Here you can browse profiles, register as a $SITE_NAME member for FREE, send virtual kisses and finally find your soulmate!

If you are already a member of $SITE_NAME, you can log in to your account. If not, go ahead and <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "join_form.php\">register for free</a>.";

        case "_INDEX2": return "Even if you are not our member yet, you can browse profiles at our site, view photos and purchase members' contact information. This simple search form will help you.";

        case "_INDEX3": return "We wish you the best luck in seeking your special someone! We hope that you like our site and your feedback is always highly appreciated. Please submit your comments, wishes, complaints and bug reports at our <a href=\"" .$DOMAIN_NAME . "contact.php\">contact page</a>.";

        case "_INVALID_ID": return "Invalid member ID specified. You should enter numeric ID like 12345.";

        case "_INVALID_PASSWD": return "Sorry, invalid password! Please, try again.";

        case "_JOIN1": return "[b]Congratulations![/b] You are on your way to join the fascinating community of singles looking for serious relationship.

Membership is free and is not time-limited. However you should keep your profile up-to-date and expose communication activity. Every profile is thoroughly checked before joining the system. Now just fill our forms and complete your registration.

<center>[b]Step 1 - Your personal information. Page - $arg0[/b]</center>";

        case "_JOIN1_AFF": return "Here you can become affiliate of this site for free.


        case "_JOIN2": return "[b]Well done![/b] Your profile has been successfully created. You may already <a href=\"$site[url]member.php\">log in</a> with your e-mail and password.

However, your profile is not yet complete. You need to specify the information about the person you are looking for.

<center>[b]Step 2 - Whom do you look for?[/b]</center>";

        case "_JOIN3": return "[b]Great job![/b] Each member is required to supply their personal e-mail only. In order to avoid spamming someone's mailboxes we need to check your e-mail. We will now send you a confirmation e-mail which is necessary for your email confirmation. This e-mail includes a link which you may click, [b]or[/b] you may enter a secret confirmation code below. This code is also included in the e-mail you'll get. Thus, you will prove your ownership of the e-mail address you specified.

<center>[b]Step 2 - Confirmation[/b]</center>";

        case "_JOIN_AFF2": return "Congratulations! You are affiliate of $DOMAIN_NAME now. You can login <a href=\"$site[url_aff]\">here</a>";

        case "_JOIN_AFF_ID": return "Use <font color=red>[b]$arg0[/b]</font> ID number for login, please do not forget your ID number";

        case "_GIVE_MY_INFO_GM": return "Give my contact information only to those whom I sent virtuall kisses to.";

        case "_HEADLINE_LEAST": return "Headline must be at least 2 characters long.";

        case "_HELP_AFF": return "Place following link on your site : 

<input class=\"no\" size=\"60\" value=\"$site[url]?idAff=$arg0\" />";

        case "_LOGGING_OUT": return "You have been logged out.";

        case "_LOGIN_ERROR": return "Login error. Try again:";

        case "_LOGIN_OBSOLETE": return "Your login information seems to be obsolete, please re-login.";

        case "_LOGIN_REQUIRED1": return "Sorry, you need to login before you can use this page.
Please enter your email (or ID) and password below:";

        case "_LOGIN_REQUIRED2": return "Remember, if you want to receive complete pack of $SITE_NAME services, you need to <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "join_form.php\">register</a>. Registration is FREE and time-unlimited.";

        case "_LOGIN_REQUIRED_AE1": return "Sorry, you need to login before you can use this page.";

        case "_LOGIN_REQUIRED_AE2": return "If you are not registered at $site[title] you can do it right now for FREE and get all advantages our system offers for both free and fee.

<center><a href=\"$site[url]join_form.php\"><img src=\"$site[images]join2.gif\" border=0 alt=\"FREE registration\"></a></center>";

        case "_MADE_THUMB_FROM_PRIMARY": return "Successfully made thumbnail out of primary.";

        case "_MAX_CHARS_TO_CC_UNLIM_TO_EMAIL": return "Maximum $arg0 characters when writing to communicator, unlimited to email";

        case "_MEMBER_ADDED_TO_CART": return "Member has been added to your shopping cart";

        case "_MEMBER_ALREADY_CONTACTED": return "You already requested this member's contact information for free. You can see it in their <a href=\"profile.php?ID=$arg0\">profile</a>, or in your <a href=\"cc.php\">communicator</a>.";

        case "_MEMBER_ALREADY_IN_CART": return "This member is already in your shopping cart";

        case "_MEMBER_NOT_RECOGNIZED": return "Sorry, you have not been recognized as a $site[title] member. Please, make sure that you entered the e-mail you used in your account.";

        case "_MEMBER_PANEL": return "This is your control panel. From here you may search profiles, send and receive virtual kisses, send and receive messages, purchase contacts of other members. Communicator stores all kisses, messages and contacts. Shooping cart sores all you choices and you may check it out whenever you decide. Here you may upload, remove and change your photos and profile details. This is your own home at $SITE_NAME.";

        case "_MEMBER_RECOGNIZED_MAIL_NOT_SENT": return "You have been recognized as a $site[title] member but it was impossible to send you e-mail with your account details right now. Please, try later.";

        case "_MEMBER_RECOGNIZED_MAIL_SENT": return "You have been recognized as a $site[title] member and your account details have been just sent to you. Once you receive a        letter from us, go <a href=\"$site[url]member.php\">here</a> and log in.";

        case "_MEMBERS_ONLINE": return "There are [b]$arg0[/b] member(s) online now";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED": return "Members you have contacted";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_BY": return "Members you have been contacted by";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_FREE": return "Members you have contacted for FREE";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_BY_FREE": return "Members contacted you for FREE";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED": return "Members you have kissed";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED_BY": return "Members you were kissed by";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED": return "Members you have viewed";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED_BY": return "Members you were viewed by";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED": return "Members you have hotlisted";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED_BY": return "Members you were hotlisted by";

        case "_MEMBERS_INVITE_YOU_FRIENDLIST": return "Members you have invited";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_INVITED_FRIENDLIST": return "Members you were invited by";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED": return "Members you have blocked";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED_BY": return "Members you were blocked by";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_PPAL_BY": return "Requests to your private photos";

        case "_MEMBERS_YOU_PPAL": return "Requests to other members' private photos";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_E": return "Contact anyone for free type of gold membership allows you to directly send messages to other members of our community (to [b]contact anyone for FREE[/b]). You will not be able to receive their complete contact information but will be able to send them internal site messages via your <a target=_blank href=\"cc.php\">communicator</a>.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_BECOME": return "Become able to contact anyone for free starting from just $doll$arg0!";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_EXPIRES_IN_DAYS": return "expires: in $arg0 day(s)";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_EXPIRES_TODAY": return "expires: today at 00:00. (Server time: $arg0)";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_TEXT1": return "Another type of gold membership allows you to directly send messages to other members of our community (to [b]contact anyone for FREE[/b]). You will not be able to receive their complete contact information but will be able to send them internal site messages via your <a href=\"cc.php\">communicator</a>.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CAFF_TEXT2": return "This type of gold membership is timely only. You can subscribe for certain amount of days and during this period you can send messages to active members of our system.
[b]NOTE[/b]: You can't send more than [b]$arg0[/b] messages per day.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS": return "Credits";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_E": return "Credits System is a convenient money equivalent. You can buy membeship, contact information, etc for credits right like for real money. Credits can be purchased by standard payment means (check payment, credit card, etc)";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_YES": return "you have: [b]$arg0[/b] credits";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_NO": return "you have [b]no[/b] credits";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_BUY_MORE_DAYS": return "extend membership period";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_IN_DAYS": return "expires: in $arg0 day(s)";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_NEVER": return "expires: never";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_TODAY": return "expires: today at $arg0. (Server time: $arg1)";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_GOLD": return "<font color=red>Gold Member</font>";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_PRIVILEGED": return "<font color=red> Member 

        case "_TODAY_EXCEEDED": return "Sorry, but you've reached your limit for today. Please <a href=\"membership.php\">click here</a> to check for more advanced membership levels";

        case "_STANDARD_MEMBER": return "To do this You must be a PRIVILEGED member. You are the standard member. Please [url=".$site[url]."]click here[/url] to upgrade.";

        case "_NOT_MEMBER": return "To do this You must be a member. You are NOT a member. Please [url=".$site[url]."]click here[/url] to become a member.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_GOLD_UNLIMITED_BUY": return "Receive UNLIMITED availability for free today for just $doll$arg0";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_GOLD_UNLIMITED": return "expires: never";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_PPC_DEPOSIT": return "Your deposit: $doll[b]$arg0[/b]. Members can contact you [b]$arg1[/b] time(s) at bid $doll[b]$arg2[/b] per contact.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_PPC_INC_DEPOSIT": return "extend membership period";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_PPC_MAY_INC_DEPOSIT": return "You can now increase your deposit and/or change your bid.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_STANDARD": return "You are a standard member.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD": return "<a href=\"membership.php\">Click here</a> to upgrade.";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_STANDARD_CHOOSE": return "You are a standard member. Choose one of the following options:";

        case "_MEMBERSHIP_T_BUY_MORE": return "Buy more days";

        case "_MESSAGE_SENT": return "Message has been successfully sent.";

        case "_MODIFICATIONS_APPLIED": return "Modifications have been successfully applied.";

        case "_MUST_BE_VALID": return "Must be valid. Otherwise, you won't be able to finish the registration.";

        case "_MUST_HAVE_COOKIES": return "You must have cookies enabled in your browser";

        case "_NEW_KISS_ARRIVED": return "New virtual kiss arrived!";

        case "_NEW_MESSAGE_ARRIVED": return "New message arrived!";

        case "_NICK_LEAST": return "Nickname must be unique and from $arg0 to $arg1 characters long.";

        case "_NICK_LEAST2": return "Nickname must be from $arg0 to $arg1 characters long.";

        case "_NICK_IS_AVFF": return "Attention: <NickName> is available for FREE! You can get their contact information right now for free! All you need to do is just to log in to your member account and follow the link \"Free Email\" in <NickName>'s profile.";

        case "_NICK_YOU_CAN_BUY": return "You can buy <NickName>'s contact information or send them a virtual kiss in return by merely following the link: <VKissLink>";

        case "_NO_ARTICLES": return "No articles available";

        case "_NO_LINKS": return "No links available";

        case "_NO_MEMBER_SPECIFIED": return "No member specified";

        case "_NO_MEMBER_TO_DELETE": return "No member to delete";

        case "_NO_NEED_TO_CONFIRM_EMAIL": return "There is no need to confirm your account e-mail because it's already confirmed and you proved your ownership of the e-mail address.";

        case "_NO_RESULTS": return "
[b]No results found.[/b] <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "search.php\">Start again</a> and try to broaden your search.";

        case "_NO_STORIES": return "No feedback available";

        case "_NOT_RECOGNIZED": return "You are NOT recognized as a $site[title] member";

        case "_ORDERS_PROCESSED": return "All orders securely processed by";

        case "_PASSWD_CONF_FAILED": return "Password confirmation failed.";

        case "_PASSWD_LEAST": return "Password must be from $arg0 to $arg1 characters long.";

        case "_PHOTOS": return "This is your photos management page. Here you may upload, remove and change your photos. You may use [b].jpg[/b], [b].gif[/b] and [b].png[/b] files for your pictures. There are no limits of size or proportions, because our system will automatically resample your pictures.

Your thumbnail is used for search results.";

        case "_PHOTOS_WARNING": return "Each time you upload or change your photos, your account is set into \"[b]Approval[/b]\" mode and will be reviewed by $SITE_NAME administration team for activation.

You will be informed about the activation success within 24 hours.";

        case "_PIC_DELETED": return "Picture successfully deleted.


        case "_PIC_UPLOADED": return "Picture successfully uploaded.


        case "_POLICY": return "Your policy here";

        case "_POLLS_VIEW_H": return "Surveys";

        case "_POLLS_VIEW_H1": return "Surveys";

        case "_POLL_VIEW_H": return "Survey";

        case "_POLL_VIEW_H1": return "Survey";

        case "_PRIVATE PHOTO TEXT": return "Please input password to get access to user's private photos";

        case "_PROFILE_CAN_ACTIVATE": return "You can activate your account to make it available again for search and contacts.";

        case "_PROFILE_CAN_SUSPEND": return "You can suspend your account to make it temporarily unavailable for search and contacts. Later you will always be able to activate it back.";

        case "_PROFILE_CANT_ACTIVATE/SUSPEND": return "You can not activate or suspend your account because it is not in [b]Active[/b] or [b]Suspended[/b] status.";

        case "_PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE": return "Profile is not available.";

        case "_PROFILE_WARNING1": return "Each time you change any of the following:

[*]Nickname;[*]Real name;[*]City;[*]Occupation;[*]\"About me\" description;[*]\"About you\" description;[*]Phone;[*]HomeAddress;[*]Homepage

profile fields, your account is set into \"[b]Approval[/b]\" mode and will be reviewed by $SITE_NAME administration team for activation.

You will be informed about the activation success within 24 hours.";

        case "_PROFILE_WARNING2": return "Each time you change your account e-mail, your account is set into \"[b]Unconfirmed[/b]\" mode and a confirmation letter is sent to the new e-mail. After you confirm your e-mail, your profile will be accepted to be reviewed by $SITE_NAME administration team for activation.

You will be informed about the activation success within 24 hours.";

        case "_PRIVACY": return "Your privacy policy information";

        case "_HOTORNOT": return "Rate photo";

        case "_HOTORNOT_NA": return "Rate photo not available now";

        case "_PROFILE_ERR": return "Profile error. Please, try again.";

        case "_RECOGNIZED": return "You are recognized as a $site[title] member";

        case "_REGISTRATION_ERROR": return "Sorry, your registration process could not be held at this time.
<a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "contact.php\">Report the bug</a> to administrator.";

        case "_REGISTRATION_GOLD_MEMB_TEXT": return "Registration and gold membership sign-up promotion text";

        case "_REALNAME_REQUIRED": return "Your real name is required.";

        case "_RELATIONSHIP_REQUIRED": return "You must specify at least one type of desired relationship.";

        case "_REMEMBER_SPEC_ADD_INFO": return "[b]Remember[/b]: By specifying your additional contact information you increase your chances to be contacted by other members of $site[title].";

        case "_REQUEST SENT": return "Request sent";

        case "_RESULT0": return "[b]The transaction didn't proceed.[/b] Make sure you have entered your credit card information right and try again.";

        case "_RESULT0_A": return "The transaction didn't proceed.";

        case "_RESULT0_D": return "Make sure you have entered your credit card information right and $arg0 try again</a>.";

        case "_RESULT-1": return "[b]Transaction verification failed.[/b] You seem to have tried to cheat our security system. Your IP is logged and reported. If you are persistent in your attempts you will be banned from our system services access.";

        case "_RESULT-1_A": return "Transaction verification failed.";

        case "_RESULT-1_D": return "You seem to have tried to cheat our security system. Your IP is logged and reported. If you are persistent in your attempts you will be banned from our system services access.";

        case "_RESULT1000": return "You do not have enough credits";

        case "_RESULT1": return "[b]Thank you for your purchase at $SITE_NAME![/b]

The e-mail with contact information has been just sent to you.
Also, if you are our member, the e-mail addresses that you have purchased are available in your <a href=\"$site[url]cc.php\">communicator</a>.";

        case "_RESULT1_DESC": return "The e-mail with contact information has been just sent to you.";

        case "_RESULT1_THANK": return "Thank you for your purchase at $SITE_NAME!";

        case "_RESULT2": return "[b]Thank you for your purchase at $SITE_NAME![/b]

You have successfully made your purchase at $SITE_NAME, however the e-mail with contact information could not be sent to you right now. Don't worry, if you are our member your purchase has been recorded and you can retrieve all information in your <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "cc.php\">Communicator</a>.";

        case "_RESULT2DESC": return "You have successfully made your purchase at $SITE_NAME, however the e-mail with contact information could not be sent to you right now. Don't worry, if you are our member your purchase has been recorded and you can retrieve all information in your <a href=\"" . $DOMAIN_NAME . "cc.php\">Communicator</a>.";

        case "_quick_links_content": return "

                    - <a href=\"profile_photos.php\">upload my photos...</a>

                    - <a href=\"profile_edit.php?ID=$arg0\">view/change details in my profile...</a>

                    - <a href=\"membership.php\">receive/update gold membership...</a>

                    - <a href=\"inbox.php\">read my messages...</a>

                    - <a href=\"search.php\">conduct a detailed search...</a>

                    - <a href=\"unregister.php\">unregister me (can not be undone)...</a>


        case "_SEARCH_SORTED": return "Search result";

        case "_SEND_MESSAGE": return "send message";

        case "_SEND_MSG_TO": return "Send a message to:";

        case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your services description here";

        case "_SOUND_AE_MEDIA": return "You may download [url='$arg0']aeMedia[/url] program for more simple voice upload.";

        case "_SOUND": return "This is your sound management page. Here you may upload, remove and change your sound. You may use [b].wav[/b] files for your sound.";

        case "_SOUND_WARNING": return "Each time you upload or change your sound, your account is set into \"[b]Approval[/b]\" mode and will be reviewed by $SITE_NAME administration team for activation.

You will be informed about the activation success within 24 hours.";

        case "_STORY_ADDED": return  "Feedback was added";

        case "_STORY_ADDED_FAILED": return  "Feedback was not added";

        case "_STORY_UPDATED": return  "Feedback was updated";

        case "_STORY_UPDATED_FAILED": return  "Feedback was not updated";

        case "_STORY_DELETED": return  "Feedback was deleted";

        case "_STORY_DELETED_FAILED": return  "Feedback was not deleted";

        case "_STORY_EMPTY_HEADER": return "Feedback header is empty";

        case "_SUBSCRIBE_TEXT": return "Subscribe now for $SITE_NAME  newsletter to receive news, updates, photos of top rated members, feedback, tips and dating articles to your e-mail.";

        case "_THANK_YOU": "Thank you for using our services!";

        case "_TELLAFRIEND": return  "Invite a friend to $site[title]";

        case "_TELLAFRIEND2": return  "Invite a friend to view profile at $site[title]";

        case "_TERMINATE_ACCOUNT": "TERMINATE your $site[title] account";

        case "_TERMS_OF_USE": return "Your terms of use here";

        case "_UNREGISTERING": return "Please, wait. Unregistering you...";

        case "_UNREGISTERING_SURE": return "I am sure that I want to UNREGISTER!";

        case "_UNREGISTERING_BACK": return "Your text to make a member stay with your site";

        case "_UNDEFINED_ERROR": return "Sorry, the server could not process your request. An undefined error occured. Please, try later.";

        case "_UPLOAD_WHILE_WAITING": return "While you are awaiting for the confirmation letter why not to [b]<a href=\"$site[url]profile_photos.php\" target=_blank>upload your photos right now</a>[/b]?";

        case "_VIDEO": return "This is your video management page. Here you may upload, remove and change your video. You may use [b].$video_ext[/b] files for your video.";

        case "_VIDEO_WARNING": return "Each time you upload or change your video, your account is set into \"[b]Approval[/b]\" mode and will be reviewed by $SITE_NAME administration team for activation.

You will be informed about the activation success within 24 hours.";

        case "_VKISS_SENT": return "Virtual kiss has been successfully sent.";

        case "_VKISS_FROM": return "Virtual Kiss from";

        case "_WELCOME_MEMBER": return "Welcome, [b]$arg0[/b]!
Please, wait. Logging you in...";

        case "_WILL_BE_RESIZED": return "Will be resized to [b]$arg0[/b]x[b]$arg1[/b] pixels.


        case "_YOU_ACQUIRED": return "You purchased $arg0 contact(s).";

        case "_YOUR_INFO_ACQUIRED": return "Your contacts were taken $arg0 time(s).";

        case "_YOUR PROFILE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE": return "Your profile is not active for this operation.";

        case "_YOUR_EMAIL_HERE": return "Write your e-mail here";

        case "_YOUR_SEARCH": return "Your search text here";

        case "_VKISS_CANNT": return "Sorry, you are not logged in as a $site[title] member. Only active members can send each other virtual kisses.
Please, <a href=\"member.php\">log in here</a>, or <a href=\"join_form.php\">sign up</a> for a free membership.";

        case "_VKISS_OK": return "Virtual kiss has been successfully sent.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD": return "Sorry, a virtual kiss has [b]not[/b] been sent.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A1": return "This can have happened because of the following possible reasons:

[*]You are not logged in as a $site[url] member. Only members can send each other virtual kisses.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A2": return "Your profile is not in active mode.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_NO_PERM": return "You have no permissions to send virtual kisses.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A3": return "Profile authentification failed";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A4": return "If you are not logged in, please, <a href=\"member.php\">login here</a>, or <a href=\"join_form.php\">sign up</a> for a free membership.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_B": return "Member not available";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_X": return "Sorry, max number of kisses per day reached";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_Y": return "Sorry, you are in block list of this member";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_C": return "Email send failed. Please, try later.";

        case "_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_D": return "An error occured. Please, try later.";

        case "_ZIP_REQUIRED": return "Your zip/postal code is required.";

        case "_Character counter": return "Character counter: ";

    // - Tables ------------------------

        case "_01": return "January";

        case "_02": return "February";

        case "_03": return "March";

        case "_04": return "April";

        case "_05": return "May";

        case "_06": return "June";

        case "_07": return "July";

        case "_08": return "August";

        case "_09": return "September";

        case "_10": return "October";

        case "_11": return "November";

        case "_12": return "December";

        case "__I prefer not to say": return "I prefer not to say";

    // - Speed Dating --------------------

        case "_sdating": return "Events";

        case "_sdating_h": return "Events of SpeedDating";

        case "_sdating_h1": return "List of Events for $site[title]";

        case "_sdating_h2": return "Detail of Event for $site[title]";

        case "_sdating_title": return "Title";

        case "_sdating_place": return "Place name (bar, pub, ... )";

        case "_sdating_description": return "Description";

        case "_sdating_when_start": return "When Start";

        case "_sdating_when_stop": return "When Stop";

        case "_sdating_sale_start": return "Sale Start";

        case "_sdating_sale_stop": return "Sale Stop";

        case "_sdating_country": return "Country";

        case "_sdating_state_province": return "State/Province";

        case "_sdating_city": return "City";

        case "_sdating_address": return "Address of venue";

        case "_sdating_photo_place": return "Photo of venue place";

        case "_sdating_matches_count": return "Possible matches";

        case "_sdating_responsible": return "Responsible (company or person)";

        case "_sdating_resp_phone": return "Phone";

        case "_sdating_resp_email": return "Email";

        case "_sdating_tickets_count_m": return "Tickets count for male";

        case "_sdating_tickets_price_m": return "Tickets price for male";

        case "_sdating_tickets_count_f": return "Tickets count for female";

        case "_sdating_tickets_price_f": return "Tickets price for female";

        case "_sdating_tickets_count": return "Tickets count";

        case "_sdating_tickets_price": return "Tickets price";

        case "_sdating_detail": return "Detail";

        case "_sdating_buy": return "Buy Card";

        case "_sdating_no_sdating_err": return "No SpeedDating events available";

        case "_sdating_no_data_err": return "No data about SpeedDating event";

        case "_sdating_back_to_events": return "Back to list of Events";

        case "_sdating_list_matches": return "List of matches:";

        case "_sdating_no_matches": return "Sorry, no matches for you...";

        case "_sdating_list_fields": return "List of fields of possible matches:";

        case "_sdating_fill_fields": return "Please, fill following fields";

        case "_sdating_days_expired": return "Number of days conducted for filling out fields has expired...";

        case "_sdating_send_matches": return "Send matches";

        case "_sdating_duplicate_match": return "You already entered such number(s)!";

        case "_sdating_wrong_match": return "WRONG matches number(s)!";

        case "_sdating_already_buy": return "You have already buy ticket on this event, Your personal number is";

        case "_sdating_event_start": return "ATTENTION, event already start!";

        case "_sdating_event_stop": return "Event already finish!";

        case "_sdating_sale_not_start": return "Sale ticket did not yet begin";

        case "_sdating_sale_finish": return "Sale tickets already finish";

        case "_sdating_sale_err_generate": return "Error generate PersonalNumber";

        case "_sdating_sale_err_insert": return "Error insert record about user SpeedDating in the table sdating_users";

        case "_sdating_sale_err_sendemail": return "Error sent e-mail to user SpeedDating";

    // - Gallery ----------------------

    case "_Name:" : return "Name";

    case "_Comment:" : return "Comment";

    case "_Date: " : return "Date: ";

    case "_Add new category:" : return "Add a new category";

    case "_Add new category" : return "Add a new category";

    case "_Apply changes" : return "Apply changes";

    case "_Last changes:" : return "Last changes";

    case "_Category successfully deleted" : return "Category was successfully deleted";

    case "_Category successfully added" : return "Category was successfully added";

    case "_Delete category" : return "Delete category";

    case "_Back" : return "Back";

    case "_Category updated" : return "Category updated";

    case "_Add new albom:" : return "Add new album";

    case "_Add new albom" : return "Add new album";

    case "_Access level:" : return "Access level";

    case "_No one object was found" : return "No one object was found";

    case "_Delete albom" : return "Delete album";

    case "_Albom successfully added" : return "Album was successfully added";

    case "_Album updated" : return "Album updated";

    case "_Objects successfully deleted" : return "Objects were successfully deleted";

    case "_Objects successfully deleted from" : return "Objects were successfully deleted from album ";

    case "_Object successfully deleted" : return "Object was successfully deleted";

    case "_Object successfully uploaded" : return "Object was successfully uploaded";

    case "_Cannot delete some objects" : return "Some objects could not be deleted";

    case "_Cannot delete some objects from" : return "Could not delete some objects from album ";

    case "_Cannot delete object" : return "Cannot delete object";

    case "_Alboms successfully deleted" : return "Albums were successfully deleted";

    case "_FAILED_TO_ADD_CATEGORY" : return "Failed to add category";

    case "_FAILED_TO_ADD_ALBOM" : return "Failed to add album";

    case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_FILE" : return "Failed to upload unknown file ". $arg0;

    case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC" : return "Failed to upload picture ". $arg0;

    case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_VIDEO" : return "Failed to upload video ". $arg0;

    case "_VIDEO_DISABLED" : return "Video uploads disabled";

    case "_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_SOUND" : return "Failed to upload sound ". $arg0;

    case "_AUDIO_DISABLED" : return "Audio uploads disabled";

    case "_ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING" : return "Error while processing uploaded image";

    case "_Categories: " : return "Categories: ";

    case "_CATEGORIES_MAX_REACHED" : return "The maximum allowed number of categories has been reached";

    case "_ALBOMS_MAX_REACHED" : return "The maximum allowed number of albums in this category has been reached";

    case "_OBJECTS_MAX_REACHED" : return "The maximum allowed number of objects in this album has been reached";

    case "_SIZE_TOO_BIG" : return "The file size is too large";

    case "_View categories" : return "
View categories

    case "_View alboms" : return "View albums";

    case "_View objects" : return "View objects";

    case "_Alboms: " : return "Albums: ";

    case "_Failed to apply changes" : return "Failed to apply changes";

    case "_Cannot delete some alboms" : return "Some albums could not be deleted";

    case "_Cannot delete albom" : return "Could not delete album";

    case "_Add new object" : return "Add a new object";

    case "_Object" : return "Object";

    case "_Objects: " : return "Objects: ";

    case "_Object moved up" : return "Object moved up";

    case "_Object moved down" : return "Object moved down";

    case "_Failed to move object" : return "Failed to move object";

    case "_Cannot copy file" : return "Cannot copy file";

    case "_Object updated" : return "Object updated";

    case "_No objects to approve": return "There are no objects to approve";

    case "_Approve gallery" : return "Approve new objects in gallery";

    case "_Approve objects" : return "Approve objects";

    case "_Objects approved" : return "Objects were successfully approved";

    case "_move_up_object_alt" : return "move up";

    case "_move_down_object_alt" : return "move down";

    case "_edit_object_alt" : return "edit object";

    case "_delete_object_alt" : return "delete object";


    // - Blog ----------------------

    case "_Delete entry": return "Delete entry";

    case "_Edit entry": return "Edit entry";

    case "_Write comment": return "Write comment";

    case "_No entries found": return "No entries found";

    case "_comments": return "comments";

    case "_comment": return "comment";

    // - Body type ---------------------

        case "__Average": return "Average";

        case "__Ample": return "Ample";

        case "__Athletic": return "Athletic";

        case "__Cuddly": return "Cuddly";

        case "__Slim": return "Slim";

        case "__Very Cuddly": return "Very Cuddly";

    // - Countries ---------------------

        case "__Afghanistan": return "Afghanistan";

        case "__Albania": return "Albania";

        case "__Algeria": return "Algeria";

        case "__American Samoa": return "American Samoa";

        case "__Andorra": return "Andorra";

        case "__Angola": return "Angola";

        case "__Anguilla": return "Anguilla";

        case "__Antarctica": return "Antarctica";

        case "__Antigua and Barbuda": return "Antigua and Barbuda";

        case "__Argentina": return "Argentina";

        case "__Armenia": return "Armenia";

        case "__Aruba": return "Aruba";

        case "__Australia": return "Australia";

        case "__Austria": return "Austria";

        case "__Azerbaijan": return "Azerbaijan";

        case "__Bahamas": return "Bahamas";

        case "__Bahrain": return "Bahrain";

        case "__Bangladesh": return "Bangladesh";

        case "__Barbados": return "Barbados";

        case "__Belarus": return "Belarus";

        case "__Belgium": return "Belgium";

        case "__Belize": return "Belize";

        case "__Benin": return "Benin";

        case "__Bermuda": return "Bermuda";

        case "__Bhutan": return "Bhutan";

        case "__Bolivia": return "Bolivia";

        case "__Bosnia/Herzegowina": return "Bosnia/Herzegowina";

        case "__Botswana": return "Botswana";

        case "__Bouvet Island": return "Bouvet Island";

        case "__Brazil": return "Brazil";

        case "__British Ind. Ocean Terr.": return "British Ind. Ocean Terr.";

        case "__British Ind. Ocean": return "British Ind. Ocean";

        case "__Brunei Darussalam": return "Brunei Darussalam";

        case "__Bulgaria": return "Bulgaria";

        case "__Burkina Faso": return "Burkina Faso";

        case "__Burundi": return "Burundi";

        case "__Cambodia": return "Cambodia";

        case "__Cameroon": return "Cameroon";

        case "__Cape Verde": return "Cape Verde";

        case "__Cayman Islands": return "Cayman Islands";

        case "__Central African Rep.": return "Central African Rep.";

        case "__Chad": return "Chad";

        case "__Canada": return "Canada";

        case "__Chile": return "Chile";

        case "__China": return "China";

        case "__Christmas Island": return "Christmas Island";

        case "__Cocoa (Keeling) Is.": return "Cocoa (Keeling) Is.";

        case "__Colombia": return "Colombia";

        case "__Comoros": return "Comoros";

        case "__Congo": return "Congo";

        case "__Cook Islands": return "Cook Islands";

        case "__Costa Rica": return "Costa Rica";

        case "__Cote Divoire": return "Cote Divoire";

        case "__Croatia": return "Croatia";

        case "__Cuba": return "Cuba";

        case "__Cyprus": return "Cyprus";

        case "__Czech Republic": return "Czech Republic";

        case "__Denmark": return "Denmark";

        case "__Djibouti": return "Djibouti";

        case "__Dominica": return "Dominica";

        case "__Dominican Republic": return "Dominican Republic";

        case "__East Timor": return "East Timor";

        case "__Ecuador": return "Ecuador";

        case "__Egypt": return "Egypt";

        case "__El Salvador": return "El Salvador";

        case "__Equatorial Guinea": return "Equatorial Guinea";

        case "__Eritrea": return "Eritrea";

        case "__Estonia": return "Estonia";

        case "__Ethiopia": return "Ethiopia";

        case "__Falkland Islands": return "Falkland Islands";

        case "__Faroe Islands": return "Faroe Islands";

        case "__Fiji": return "Fiji";

        case "__Finland": return "Finland";

        case "__France": return "France";

        case "__Gabon": return "Gabon";

        case "__Gambia": return "Gambia";

        case "__Georgia": return "Georgia";

        case "__Germany": return "Germany";

        case "__Ghana": return "Ghana";

        case "__Gibraltar": return "Gibraltar";

        case "__Greece": return "Greece";

        case "__Greenland": return "Greenland";

        case "__Grenada": return "Grenada";

        case "__Guadeloupe": return "Guadeloupe";

        case "__Guam": return "Guam";

        case "__Guatemala": return "Guatemala";

        case "__Guinea": return "Guinea";

        case "__Guinea-Bissau": return "Guinea-Bissau";

        case "__Guyana": return "Guyana";

        case "__Haiti": return "Haiti";

        case "__Honduras": return "Honduras";

        case "__Hong Kong": return "Hong Kong";

        case "__Hungary": return "Hungary";

        case "__Iceland": return "Iceland";

        case "__India": return "India";

        case "__Indonesia": return "Indonesia";

        case "__Iran": return "Iran";

        case "__Iraq": return "Iraq";

        case "__Ireland": return "Ireland";

        case "__Israel": return "Israel";

        case "__Italy": return "Italy";

        case "__Jamaica": return "Jamaica";

        case "__Japan": return "Japan";

        case "__Jordan": return "Jordan";

        case "__Kazakhstan": return "Kazakhstan";

        case "__Kenya": return "Kenya";

        case "__Kiribati": return "Kiribati";

        case "__Korea": return "Korea";

        case "__Kuwait": return "Kuwait";

        case "__Kyrgyzstan": return "Kyrgyzstan";

        case "__Lao": return "Lao";

        case "__Latvia": return "Latvia";

        case "__Lebanon": return "Lebanon";

        case "__Lesotho": return "Lesotho";

        case "__Liberia": return "Liberia";

        case "__Liechtenstein": return "Liechtenstein";

        case "__Lithuania": return "Lithuania";

        case "__Luxembourg": return "Luxembourg";

        case "__Macau": return "Macau";

        case "__Macedonia": return "Macedonia";

        case "__Madagascar": return "Madagascar";

        case "__Malawi": return "Malawi";

        case "__Malaysia": return "Malaysia";

        case "__Maldives": return "Maldives";

        case "__Mali": return "Mali";

        case "__Malta": return "Malta";

        case "__Marshall Islands": return "Marshall Islands";

        case "__Martinique": return "Martinique";

        case "__Mauritania": return "Mauritania";

        case "__Mauritius": return "Mauritius";

        case "__Mayotte": return "Mayotte";

        case "__Mexico": return "Mexico";

        case "__Micronesia": return "Micronesia";

        case "__Moldova": return "Moldova";

        case "__Monaco": return "Monaco";

        case "__Mongolia": return "Mongolia";

        case "__Montserrat": return "Montserrat";

        case "__Morocco": return "Morocco";

        case "__Mozambique": return "Mozambique";

        case "__Myanmar": return "Myanmar";

        case "__Namibia": return "Namibia";

        case "__Nauru": return "Nauru";

        case "__Nepal": return "Nepal";

        case "__Netherlands": return "Netherlands";

        case "__New Caledonia": return "New Caledonia";

        case "__New Zealand": return "New Zealand";

        case "__Nicaragua": return "Nicaragua";

        case "__Niger": return "Niger";

        case "__Nigeria": return "Nigeria";

        case "__Niue": return "Niue";

        case "__Norfolk Island": return "Norfolk Island";

        case "__Norway": return "Norway";

        case "_no data given": return "no data given";

        case "__Oman": return "Oman";

        case "__Pakistan": return "Pakistan";

        case "__Palau": return "Palau";

        case "__Panama": return "Panama";

        case "__Papua New Guinea": return "Papua New Guinea";

        case "__Paraguay": return "Paraguay";

        case "__Peru": return "Peru";

        case "__Philippines": return "Philippines";

        case "__Pitcairn": return "Pitcairn";

        case "__Poland": return "Poland";

        case "__Portugal": return "Portugal";

        case "__Puerto Rico": return "Puerto Rico";

        case "__Qatar": return "Qatar";

        case "__Reunion": return "Reunion";

        case "__Romania": return "Romania";

        case "__Russia": return "Russia";

        case "__Rwanda": return "Rwanda";

        case "__Saint Lucia": return "Saint Lucia";

        case "__Samoa": return "Samoa";

        case "__San Marino": return "San Marino";

        case "__Saudi Arabia": return "Saudi Arabia";

        case "__Senegal": return "Senegal";

        case "__Seychelles": return "Seychelles";

        case "__Sierra Leone": return "Sierra Leone";

        case "__Singapore": return "Singapore";

        case "__Slovakia": return "Slovakia";

        case "__Solomon Islands": return "Solomon Islands";

        case "__Somalia": return "Somalia";

        case "__South Africa": return "South Africa";

        case "__Spain": return "Spain";

        case "__Sri Lanka": return "Sri Lanka";

        case "__St. Helena": return "St. Helena";

        case "__Sudan": return "Sudan";

        case "__Suriname": return "Suriname";

        case "__Swaziland": return "Swaziland";

        case "__Sweden": return "Sweden";

        case "__Switzerland": return "Switzerland";

        case "__Syria": return "Syria";

        case "__Taiwan": return "Taiwan";

        case "__Tajikistan": return "Tajikistan";

        case "__Tanzania": return "Tanzania";

        case "__Thailand": return "Thailand";

        case "__Togo": return "Togo";

        case "__Tokelau": return "Tokelau";

        case "__Tonga": return "Tonga";

        case "__Trinidad and Tobago": return "Trinidad and Tobago";

        case "__Tunisia": return "Tunisia";

        case "__Turkey": return "Turkey";

        case "__Turkmenistan": return "Turkmenistan";

        case "__Tuvalu": return "Tuvalu";

        case "__Uganda": return "Uganda";

        case "__Ukraine": return "Ukraine";

        case "__United Arab Emirates": return "United Arab Emirates";

        case "__United Kingdom": return "United Kingdom";

        case "__USA": return "USA";

        case "__Uruguay": return "Uruguay";

        case "__Uzbekistan": return "Uzbekistan";

        case "__Vanuatu": return "Vanuatu";

        case "__Vatican": return "Vatican";

        case "__Venezuela": return "Venezuela";

        case "__Viet Nam": return "Viet Nam";

        case "__Virgin Islands": return "Virgin Islands";

        case "__Western Sahara": return "Western Sahara";

        case "__Yeman": return "Yeman";

        case "__Yugoslavia": return "Yugoslavia";

        case "__Zaire": return "Zaire";

        case "__Zambia": return "Zambia";

        case "__Zimbabwe": return "Zimbabwe";

    // - Education ---------------------

        case "__High School graduate": return "High School graduate";

        case "__Some college": return "Some college";

        case "__College student": return "College student";

        case "__AA (2 years college)": return "AA (2 years college)";

        case "__BA/BS (4 years college)": return "BA/BS (4 years college)";

        case "__Some grad school": return "Some grad school";

        case "__Grad school student": return "Grad school student";

        case "__MA/MS/MBA": return "MA/MS/MBA";

        case "__PhD/Post doctorate": return "PhD/Post doctorate";

        case "__JD": return "JD";

    // - Ethnicity ---------------------

        case "__African": return "African";

        case "__African American": return "African American";

        case "__Asian": return "Asian";

        case "__Caucasian": return "Caucasian";

        case "__East Indian": return "East Indian";

        case "__Hispanic": return "Hispanic";

        case "__Indian": return "Indian";

        case "__Latino": return "Latino";

        case "__Mediterranean": return "Mediterranean";

        case "__Middle Eastern": return "Middle Eastern";

        case "__Mixed": return "Mixed";

    // - Height ------------------------

        case "__4'7\" (140cm) or below": return "4'7\" (140cm) or below";

        case "__4'8\" - 4'11\" (141-150cm)": return "4'8\" - 4'11\" (141-150cm)";

        case "__5'0\" - 5'3\" (151-160cm)": return "5'0\" - 5'3\"  (151-160cm)";

        case "__5'4\" - 5'7\" (161-170cm)": return "5'4\" - 5'7\"  (161-170cm)";

        case "__5'8\" - 5'11\" (171-180cm)": return "5'8\" - 5'11\" (171-180cm)";

        case "__6'0\" - 6'3\" (181-190cm)": return "6'0\" - 6'3\"  (181-190cm)";

        case "__6'4\" (191cm) or above": return "6'4\" (191cm) or above";

    // - Income ------------------------

        case "__$10,000/year and less": return "$10,000/year and less";

        case "__$10,000-$30,000/year": return "$10,000-$30,000/year";

        case "__$30,000-$50,000/year": return "$30,000-$50,000/year";

        case "__$50,000-$70,000/year": return "$50,000-$70,000/year";

        case "__$70,000/year and more": return "$70,000/year and more";

    // - Height ------------------------

        case "__English": return "English";

        case "__Afrikaans": return "Afrikaans";

        case "__Arabic": return "Arabic";

        case "__Bulgarian": return "Bulgarian";

        case "__Burmese": return "Burmese";

        case "__Cantonese": return "Cantonese";

        case "__Croatian": return "Croatian";

        case "__Danish": return "Danish";

        case "_Database Error": return "Database Error";

        case "__Dutch": return "Dutch";

        case "__Esperanto": return "Esperanto";

        case "__Estonian": return "Estonian";

        case "__Finnish": return "Finnish";

        case "__French": return "French";

        case "__German": return "German";

        case "__Greek": return "Greek";

        case "__Gujrati": return "Gujrati";

        case "__Hebrew": return "Hebrew";

        case "__Hindi": return "Hindi";

        case "__Hungarian": return "Hungarian";

        case "__Icelandic": return "Icelandic";

        case "__Indian": return "Indian";

        case "__Indonesian": return "Indonesian";

        case "__Italian": return "Italian";

        case "__Japanese": return "Japanese";

        case "__Korean": return "Korean";

        case "__Latvian": return "Latvian";

        case "__Lithuanian": return "Lithuanian";

        case "__Malay": return "Malay";

        case "__Mandarin": return "Mandarin";

        case "__Marathi": return "Marathi";

        case "__Moldovian": return "Moldovian";

        case "__Nepalese": return "Nepalese";

        case "__Norwegian": return "Norwegian";

        case "__Persian": return "Persian";

        case "__Polish": return "Polish";

        case "__Portuguese": return "Portuguese";

        case "__Punjabi": return "Punjabi";

        case "__Romanian": return "Romanian";

        case "__Russian": return "Russian";

        case "__Serbian": return "Serbian";

        case "__Spanish": return "Spanish";

        case "__Swedish": return "Swedish";

        case "__Tagalog": return "Tagalog";

        case "__Taiwanese": return "Taiwanese";

        case "__Tamil": return "Tamil";

        case "__Telugu": return "Telugu";

        case "__Thai": return "Thai";

        case "__Tongan": return "Tongan";

        case "__Turkish": return "Turkish";

        case "__Ukrainian": return "Ukrainian";

        case "__Urdu": return "Urdu";

        case "__Vietnamese": return "Vietnamese";

        case "__Visayan": return "Visayan";

    // - Marital Status ----------------

        case "__Single": return "Single";

        case "__Attached": return "Attached";

        case "__Divorced": return "Divorced";

        case "__Married": return "Married";

        case "__Separated": return "Separated";

        case "__Widow": return "Widow";

    // - Pofile Status -----------------

        case "__Unconfirmed": return "Unconfirmed";

        case "__Approval": return "Approval";

        case "__Active": return "Active";

        case "__Suspended": return "Suspended";

        case "__Rejected": return "Rejected";

        case "_Unconfirmed": return "Unconfirmed";

        case "_Approval": return "Approval";

        case "_Active": return "Active";

        case "_Suspended": return "Suspended";

        case "_Rejected": return "Rejected";

        case "_SelectType": return "Choose your profile type";

    // - Relationship ------------------

        case "__Activity Partner": return "Activity Partner";

        case "__Casual": return "Casual";

        case "__Friendship": return "Friendship";

        case "__Marriage": return "Marriage";

        case "__Relationship": return "Relationship";

        case "__Romance": return "Romance";

        case "__Travel Partner": return "Travel Partner";

        case "__Pen Pal": return "Pen Pal";

        case "__PenPal": return "Pen Pal";

        case "_act": return "Activity Partner";

        case "_cas": return "Casual";

        case "_fri": return "Friendship";

        case "_mar": return "Marriage";

        case "_rel": return "Relationship";

        case "_rom": return "Romance";

        case "_tra": return "Travel Partner";

        case "_pen": return "Pen Pal";

    // - Religion ----------------------

        case "__Adventist": return "Adventist";

        case "__Agnostic": return "Agnostic";

        case "__Atheist": return "Atheist";

        case "__Baptist": return "Baptist";

        case "__Buddhist": return "Buddhist";

        case "__Caodaism": return "Caodaism";

        case "__Catholic": return "Catholic";

        case "__Christian": return "Christian";

        case "__Hindu": return "Hindu";

        case "__Iskcon": return "Iskcon";

        case "__Jainism": return "Jainism";

        case "__Jewish": return "Jewish";

        case "__Methodist": return "Methodist";

        case "__Mormon": return "Mormon";

        case "__Moslem": return "Moslem";

        case "__Orthodox": return "Orthodox";

        case "__Pentecostal": return "Pentecostal";

        case "__Protestant": return "Protestant";

        case "__Quaker": return "Quaker";

        case "__Scientology": return "Scientology";

        case "__Shinto": return "Shinto";

        case "__Sikhism": return "Sikhism";

        case "__Spiritual": return "Spiritual";

        case "__Taoism": return "Taoism";

        case "__Wiccan": return "Wiccan";

        case "__Other": return "Other";

    // - Smoking, drinking -------------

        case "__No": return "No";

        case "__Rarely": return "Rarely";

        case "__Often": return "Often";

        case "__Very often": return "Very often";

        // Date range ---------------------------------

        case '_18-20': return "18-20";

        case '_21-25': return "21-25";

        case '_26-30': return "26-30";

        case '_31-35': return "31-35";

        case '_36-40': return "36-40";

        case '_41-45': return "41-45";

        case '_46-50': return "46-50";

        case '_51-55': return "51-55";

        case '_56-60': return "56-60";

        case '_61-65': return "61-65";

        case '_66-70': return "66-70";

        case '_71-75': return "71-75";

    case '_Aries': return "Aries";

    case '_Taurus': return "Taurus";

    case '_Gemini': return "Gemini";

    case '_Cancer': return "Cancer";

    case '_Leo': return "Leo";

    case '_Virgo': return "Virgo";

    case '_Libra': return "Libra";

    case '_Scorpio': return "Scorpio";

    case '_Sagittarius': return "Sagittarius";

    case '_Capricorn': return "Capricorn";

    case '_Aquarius': return "Aquarius";

    case '_Pisces': return "Pisces";

    case '_Zodiac': return "Zodiac";

    // New Membership constants

    case CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED		: return "<div style=\"width: 80%\">Your current membership ([b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]}[/b]) doesn't allow to [b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION]}[/b].</div>";

    case CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE		: return "<div style=\"width: 80%\">You are not currently an active member. Please ask the site <a href=\"mailto:{$site['email']}\">administrator</a> to make you an active member so you could use this feature.</div>";

    case CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED		: return "<div style=\"width: 80%\">You have reached your limit for now. Your current membership ([b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]}[/b]) allows you to {$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION]} no more than {$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_LIMIT]} times".($arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD] > 0 ? " every {$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD]} hours":"").".</div>";

    case CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE	: return "<div style=\"width: 80%\">Your current membership ([b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]}[/b]) doesn't allow to [b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION]}[/b] until [b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_BEFORE]}[/b].</div>";

    case CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER		: return "<div style=\"width: 80%\">Your current membership ([b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]}[/b]) doesn't allow to [b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION]}[/b] since [b]{$arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_AFTER]}[/b].</div>";

    case "_Allowed actions": return "Allowed actions";

    case "_Action": return "Action";

    case "_Times allowed": return "Times allowed";

    case "_Period (hours)": return "Period (hours)";

    case "_Allowed Since": return "Allowed Since";

    case "_Allowed Until": return "Allowed Until";

    case "_No actions allowed for this membership": return "No actions allowed for this membership";

    case "_no limit": return "no limit";

    case "_send kisses": return "send kisses";

    case "_use chat": return "use chat";

    case "_use instant messenger": return "use instant messenger";

    case "_view profiles": return "view profiles";

    case "_use forum": return "use forum";

    case "_make search": return "make search";

    case "_rate photos": return "rate photos";

    case "_send messages": return "send messages";

    case "_view photos": return "view photos";

    case "_use UserPlane instant messenger": return "use UserPlane instant messenger";

    case "_use UserPlane video recorder": return "use UserPlane video recorder";

    case "_use UserPlane chat": return "use UserPlane chat";

    case "_use guestbook": return "use guestbook";

    case "_view other members' guestbooks": return "view other members' guestbooks";

    case "_get other members' emails": return "get other members' emails";
	case '_NickName_caption': return 'NickName';

    default: return $str;



I need to know how to add HTML code in line 2433 (this part of the php code)
 case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your services description here";
Please help me

what do you mean ? like this?

case "_SERV_DESC": return "<img src=\"src\">
Your services description here";

you can also break out of php.

case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your" ?>

<?php "services description here";
Hey Jcortes something like that but I need to put a HTML table between the
return "
and the
without it messing up the PHP code
I forgot to tell you this but it has to work so it is still PHP. Like I do not want it to have HTML there all of a sudden. This is a lang file so it needs to stay like it is I just need to know how to add that HTML table
if you break out of the php it will still obey functions for example

if(statement == true) {




it will only show that image tag if the statement is true. tricky concept but thats how it works.
So how would it look like if I want the HTML between the
return "
and the
This is the part of the code I need to have edited
case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your services description here";
you can put the html in the tag itself and escape characters when you need like so

case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your services description here <img src=\"src\">";

or break out and do the following

case "_SERV_DESC": return "Your services description here ?>
<?php "; ?>
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