this is a pretty commond question: "CAN I password protect my cds?"...
*first, you can compress the folder or files to an executable file, burn it, and then make some auto-run or something for the cd.. the executable files can be password protected -this is my favorite way and the best password protecting way..
*You can buy or use the limited version of Password Protection System - CD Edition (PPS-CD).. with this you can password protect even single files, and EVEN give the protection an expiration date.. click
HERE to enter the publisher's site..
*There is a program called MediaSecure which can password protect a CD ROM.
encryptX Corporation has provided the following comments: "Our software allows you to encryptX CD-Rs, CD-RW, DVDs, and many other types of removable media. All of the functionality is resident on the media and DOES NOT require the recipient of the CD ROM to install software on their desktop. We wrap the sensitive information with a permission control based protection wrapper that allows you to define what operations other users can perform on the data, such as READ ONLY, Decrypt, Add, Delete, Modify, and share with other users, and time expiration."
HERE for more information.
*also, Encryption Plus® CD-ROM is ideal for a wide variety of secure publishing and information distribution applications. Protect confidential price lists, sales data, engineering data, technical support material, or other business information as you publish it on CD-ROM media for personnel in the field or in remote offices. Encryption Plus® CD-ROM is used by companies worldwide to secure everything from engineering schematics and monthly brokerage reports to mass-mailed software demos that include an encrypted version of the full program for purchase. click
HERE for more info..
well, choose anyway you would like.. this should be fun
you are most welcome to tell us about the journey once it is done..
cheers m8, good luck.