E Ecniv <a href="http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f109/foldin Messages 1,765 Feb 7, 2003 #2 I WANT TO LIVE THERE!!!
B belveder In Runtime Messages 153 Feb 16, 2003 #3 Thanks for that, I saved the pic on my computer so everytime my other half says anything about what I spend on my baby (computer) I can show her this pic and stop her dead lol
Thanks for that, I saved the pic on my computer so everytime my other half says anything about what I spend on my baby (computer) I can show her this pic and stop her dead lol
I imation In Runtime Messages 200 May 3, 2003 #4 thats not you is it jeeper? .. cos if it were. im your new friend.
G gemiller In Runtime Messages 118 May 27, 2003 #6 Wow man, I want your TV I have about the same amount of junk!
M MisticStorm In Runtime Messages 134 Location Maryland May 27, 2003 #7 I thought my boyfriends collection was outrageous, now I know he's not alone.