nvidia get physx


Daemon Poster
Good news for folks with a GeForce 8 GPU and lots of questions about how the recent Ageia acquisition would affect them: your current card will be receiving PhysX support. When NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang was questioned in a recent conference call, he noted that the firm was currently "working towards the physics-engine-to-CUDA port," and it could be delivered as "a software update" to every card that's CUDA-enabled (read: all of the GeForce 8 GPUs). Sadly, the bigwig still wouldn't say when to expect the release of the first PhysX port, but we really can't imagine it taking too awfully long now.
it will allow your gpu to take some more complex physics off the cpu
allowing for your cpu to work on other tasks and make physics look 100% real life
will this also be applied to mobile video cards, such as amy 8400mg

Most likely. Whether or not they will include a separate physx core though is unknown. Current video cards already out there will be seeing some benefits of the acquisition in the form of new drivers. However Nvidias end goal is i believe to install a separate physx processing core.
So is this going to affect the price of the cards? If they install a new core on the 9 series let's say. Will the price be higher than what it was supposed to be?

EDIT: I just read "folks with nvidia series 8 gpu". So will this not a affect the 9 series about to be released?
idk y but it seems like video cards are doing more and more so whats left for the cpu 2 do? eventually will cpus be a thing of the past?
its like im getting some of my money back on my card. how good is that!
But I suppose this would only really affect people with lower powered CPUs. I have the Q6600, so I'm not expecting to see a big difference.
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