newbie question


Beta member
Hi, i run a couple of internet businesses and am looking to get a new computer.

I am planing to travel the country abit so i will need something portable that has completely remote internet access so i can use it anywhere e.g in car etc.

I have absolutely no clue what i am looking for so any help would be great.

Thank's in advance.
I would assume one of the most affordable ways to connect to the net remotely would be using a cellphone. Just as I posted in another message, they have PC-Cards that do this, pc cards that connect to phones, and plain cables that'll work. It all really depends on your needs and your phone.

One thing to consider is the net connection though a phone will be VERY slow. I hear 14.4 or less. I hope all you really want to do is check emails ;P

Well, I'm still working on that remote internet access, but I'll try and get back with the forum if/when I figure this stuff out, ok?
Just incase any1 was wondering i have solved the problemm, although the solution seems quite expensive.

R-BGAN satellite modem gives you satelite broadband access from quite a few different places around the world.

If any1 finds a cheaper alternative please let me know - thanks
Oh, i also found that with 3g mobile phone technology you can access the internet at speeds of up to 348kbps.
Thanks for the replies, I'll probably end up using a mobile phone with a laptop - seems to be the simplest and cheapest option.
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