A couple of weeks ago, i switched on my computer and it froze on the screen where it allows you to hit delete to enter the bios. After much fiddling and advice, i bought a new motherboard - (Jetway V266) and transferred everything across - (Athlon Thunderbird 950, 256MB SDRAM, TNT2, network card, modem, tv card). After starting up I was able to access the bios and change CMOS settings in an effort to get it to work, however, it would go no further than this point, seeming not even to try and access the hard drive to load windows. After more fiddling at my friends house, removing various cards etc, it worked with the network card removed and booted and ran happily numerous times. However, after moving it back to my house - still minus the network card, it again refuses to boot at the same point as before. I'm stumped and would really appreciate any ideas.