new invention

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It doesnt seem like theres alot that you can do. Sell one of your computers, because there isnt really much point in having two. Also sell your laptop.

Maybe you can help your family or neighbors or something and do stuff for them and get a bit of money for it.
stfu. Anyway Can somebody please help me out here to get some extra dough?

Hop on down to the local red light district and whore yourself. :money: :money: :money:

But seriously get a job. McDonalds could always use more burger flippers.
I am selling both of my computers. I am basically selling everything I own. Anyway my female friend I keep mentioning told me not to sell my computers cause she wants to talk online. We both have cell phones but she wants to talk online for some reason.

I already gave my friends a date on when I plan to be moved out of my parents house. Also I did help out my family, neighbors, cousins. I never get money for helping out family, neghbors but sometimes I get paid for helping out my cousins doing hard work in construction but they don't pay me enough to help them. They pay me about $2.50 an hour but thats better then my family and neighbors. Also its cash so nothing goes to the government and all that other crap.
Right Norcent here is one way to earn money, It's not prity but it works 100% of the time, its called hard graft. Essentially put all ideas about getting rich quick out of your mind knuckle down don't waste money an only buy what is essential, don't waste money.

What you also need to think about is it realy time to move out of your folks place? your what 17 or 18 trust me your not ready yet give it another few years an then move out.

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