New build. No signal to monitor. Constant rapid beeps from mobo speaker

So here's everything I tried yesterday :

1. Attached water cooling unit. No fix. Same issue. Constant fast beep.
2. Tried a different power supply. Used the power supply from my main computer to this motherboard. All that I connected was the 24. And the ATX 12 v connection to the motherboard. I did unplug all the peripheral connections from the PSU. So the PSU only had the two connections to motherboard . Same thing. Fans turn on light up and spin. And get constant rapid beat on the speaker.
3. Reset bios/cmos. With screwdriver to pins. Nothing . Same issue.
4. Removed battery from mobo and reset cmos again . Waited 10 min. Put battery back in. Nothing.
5. I moved and configured the 2 new RAM sticks in dif. Slots and 6 variations. Nothing.
6. I took the 2 RAM sticks from my daily computer and tried them in 6 different variations. Nothing.
7. Cpu pins look perfect and straight.

All i can think of that's left is .
1) bad mobo. But not sure how I can confirm this.
2) bad dim slots?
3) bad cpu.

I'm stuck
So, how many beeps are there?

What does BIOS beep sound mean?

1.AWARD BIOS 1short beep :System normal 2 short beep :CMOS Error 1 long beep and 1 short beep:Memory error 1 long beep and 2 short beep:Graphic card error 1 long beep and 3 short beep :AGP error 1 long beep and 9 short beep :Memory Error Continuous long beep :Memory not correctly installed Continuous short beep :Power supply unit failed 2.AMI BIOS 1 short beep :Memory Error 2 short beep:Memory parity check error. 3 short beep :basic memory 64K address check error 4 short beep :Real Time Clock malfunction . 5 short beep :CPU error 6 short beep:Keyboard error 7 short beep :CPU interruption error 8 short beep:Graphic card error 9 short beep :Memory error 10 short beep :CMOS error 11 short beep :CPU cache memory malfunction

Coppied/pasted from:
....................................................... light bulb

Sitting here @ the computer this morning still scratching my head about this sitution.

I look online to see how much these RAM sticks are going for on ebay.
And I read this....
"Compatible with Intel LGA1155 and AMD Llano/AM3+ platforms
Intel XMP support for 2nd and 3rd Generation Intel Core Processors".

Could this be it? Is this the problem. Is this RAM no compatible with my FM2+ mobo?
Or if I recall when I read this when I bought my RAM I read it as..... it is also "Compatible with Intel LGA1155 and AMD Llano/AM3+ platforms
Intel XMP support for 2nd and 3rd Generation Intel Core Processors"

fingers crossed.....................
Found this on the site

A88X/A78 for Socket FM2+
G1.Sniper A88X With FM2+ Processors only.
GA-F2A88X-UP4 With FM2+ Proce

Dont see my mobo listed
If you are using DDR3 memory there shouldn't be any compatibility issues. Sometimes not all motherboards are included because they might not be "officially supported" or some sh*.

And I'm afraid you can't use eBay as a source of information.

Check this out:

Or if you have rev 1.1:

Look up the part number and see if it's on the list.

So your board has AMI BIOS, so count the beeps and act accordingly. Why did you ignore Cortb's question? Are you interested in solving the issue?
There is no specific beep code.
It's just constant rapid fire beeping. No pause. No breaks. Like a machine gun going off with unlimited amo
There is no specific beep code.
It's just constant rapid fire beeping. No pause. No breaks. Like a machine gun going off with unlimited amo

So, how many beeps are there?

Continuous long beep :Memory not correctly installed
Continuous short beep :Power supply unit failed

Coppied/pasted from:

I'm guessing that it's the memory since it sounds 'like a machine gun'

edit: i'd try re-seating only 1 stick of memory, and then try it in all the slots, and then try a different stick of memory again in all the slots if the first one doesn't work. that way you can narrow it down to a bad stick or a bad slot.
How did you know you didn't fry your CPU already? AMD CPUs gets hot quick and I know about the thermal shutdown but probably too late to save it.

Never ever run a CPU without a cooler.
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