Neverwinter Nights LAN help!

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Newbie needing help:

I just purchased a copy of Neverwinter Nights so my brothers and I could play it on our LAN (consisting of three machines, an ethernet adapter thingy, and a whole lot of ethernet cords). However, when we tried to start a multiplayer game using our usual pass-the-cd method, it didn't work. The joiners were informed that their CD key was already in use on the server, so they weren't let into the host's game. Seeing as this didn't happen with either Warcraft III or Age of Mythology (other high-security games requiring unique keys), I'm confused. Did we do something wrong with the game set up? Neverwinter Nights does permit one to remove the CD from the drive once it's on the multiplayer screen, so pass-the-cd should be O.K. There's no way I'm shelling out $60 for more copies of a game the family already owns. Any suggestions?

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