Network security in smart cars


Beta member
Hello everybody!

First I hope that i didn't miss forum topic to post next question. The thing is that I'm finishing my BSc studies and for my thesis work theme I've decided to analyze security issues in smart cars in higher price rank like Bmw, Audi, Mercedes and some 'boutique' examples such as Bugati. All cars mentioned above use common system known as Infotainment which offer review of some important traffic informations data (traffic jams, speed limits etc...) and of course fun for passangers.
All data mentioned above and data from car itself are stored and processed in car's internal computer (ECU) and for transmission of these data's between car controllers (ECU's) is responsible CAN (Controler Area Network) protocol which operates on link layer of ISO/OSI model without security component. All mentioned above represent vulnerability in sense that attacker for example could drive behind us and on a certain way (GSM, WiFi) connects to a car and activate airbags, brakes, etc... Now I want to know if anyone would tell me where I can get general specifications about what protocols and technologies are used in domain of security in smart cars and what systems/protocols are used by specific car manufacturers i.e. BMW, Audi, Mercedes etc. for let say comparision.
Are this public accessable informations or should I for it contact car manufacturer itself. I have last one question: Is there something as emulator where could I simulate operation of smart car and connectivity of possible attacker on it. Thanks for all constructive advices.
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A friend of mine just completed a paper on this very topic a few weeks ago. I'll see if she can send me a copy.

Btw, you may wish to edit your post into more paragraphs if you can.
Apparently her work is more on autonomous vehicles than smart cars, but I would imagine that a good chunk of it is relevant.
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