Naga Viper anyone? World's new hottest chilli!

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Would somebody be nice enough to mail me some ?
I have a very special chili I want the taliban to have for a 2010 year end dinner that will be 100% gurantee to kill...
If anybody is thinking clearly why not kill osama bin ladden with this ? he's had enough time to run.
Nope. Dark red. The dab was honestly tiny...

haha I know what you mean.
Most sauces need to be diluted, say mass chilli cooking or something, 1Tbsp for 5 Galons lol.

I had a green sauce about 10-12 years ago at a restaurant called "The Red Devil". Had a wall of hot sauces you could put onto a cracker. Me and a teamate tired this green sauce, which I guess was the hottest at the time (made somewhere in Tennessee I believe), absolutely lit our mouths on fire. We were under the tap running cold water over our tounges. Funny part was one of the Dad's (who was from Africa) piled the sauce onto a cracker. Acted like it was nothing. Guess they like it hot in Africa lol.
You shouldn't use water. Makes it worse, trust ;) I've got Indian and Malay in me, we eat a ton of chilli. Try milk or yoghurt.
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