my photoshops

I made an all your base picture with Dick Cheney. It is cool. I lost it tho due to formatting.
its an elephant with a dino head

i also made the body texture the same as the head so it blends in more
not terribly bad but I don't exactly give it the best rating because IMO for a photoshop to be great there must only be subtle flaws or none at all that give it away. For yours, it's the disproportions, lack of shading and the blurriness in the areas where different pictures overlap.

Rating: 5/10
Not bad. Definitely noticeable blurring on the dog one though.

The way I try to tell if a picture is real or a photoshop is the lighting. Like the man in the first picture is really bright. That one's completely obvious though. In the second picture, the elephant's ear is dark, while the part of the dog right next to it is well lit.
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