
oh that , i was laughing so much at that afterwards it is absolutely hilrious honestly it aint my problem the servers bad and i have tried to suggest a soloution but David dosent seem interested at all so what more can i do but not nag him about it all the time and let him do what he has to do i am sure he will work something out in time
Meh, I think he's trying his best.
o rite yeah i was aware of them there , werent they the same as the ones on the rules link at the bottom
Hooray, at last, [& not meant sarcastically] no, not quite the same, lhuser didn't alter any rules, just made it "easier to understand", he submitted it to David a few days ago, & he approved it.
Hey, I didn't end up too bad even after the "bad press" I've been getting!, four more pos reps, three of which was about the rules debacle, one read "you tell 'em, you must be p*ssed off with all the sh*t you are getting lately" [I put the asterisks in] that makes 39 pos & 4 neg points, now of course I'll be accused of boasting, but I'm just showing that not everybody's the same.
I'm sure that some of you have more, but possibly not 19 in the last three weeks?
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