Motherboard problem


Baseband Member
Hi there, I'm currently building 2 computers at the moment.

I purchased a second hand motherboard with processor and ram combo which was supposed to be tested in full working order and ready to go. When I received the motherboard it was badly packed and rapped in plastic bags and bubble rap "no anti static bag"?

I installed the motherboard connected the power supply and hard drive optical drive etc etc the motherboard powers up and posts fine.

Before I go any further.

All parts like the hard drive, optical drive, PSU I have tested and are in good working order no bad sectors on hard drive and the optical drive is brand new and also tested without issues. The power supply was also tested with an ATX dummy load with voltages being good.

Now heres the problem... Every time I attempted to install an OS the computer freezes or hangs, my first choice was Windows7 I had no luck so I tried another Windows 7 install DVD same problem. I then changed the RAM but same problem remains. I checked everything in the BIOS and even tried different BIOS configurations without success. I then tried a Windows 10 DVD and the problem occurred again, I also tried different flavors of Linux but got dirty errors I couldn't even run a live Linux CD / DVD

I have been Googling this problem in such forums but have had no luck in getting to the bottom of things

I'm pretty certain that the motherboard is faulty seeing that everything connected to it has been fully tested. Its an ASUS/RM M2N-VM/S Motherboard with an AMD Athlon 64X 2 Dual Core 3600 processor.

Is this a common problem is there something I have missed? or have I bought a bad motherboard?

You said you changed the ram, but is it possible that it's one of the dimm slots that is bad? have you tried using just one stick of ram and moving it around to the different dimm slots?
You said you changed the ram, but is it possible that it's one of the dimm slots that is bad? have you tried using just one stick of ram and moving it around to the different dimm slots?

I've tried that I also sprayed the slots with some compressed air just encase there was some dust preventing continuity to the RAM.
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The only thing I can think of is he knew the motherboard was bad and decided to sell it to an unsuspecting buyer... I had no replies from the messages I sent him which just adds to the suspicion..,, or the motherboard was working but he didn't know about anti static bags and static built up in those plastic bags he rapped it in and ruined it.

I've bought second hand motherboards in the past that have been rapped in such unsuitable material but have always worked. It just makes me wonder. I'll get my money back either way as I paid via paypal

It was only 20 quid but hey.
Can you test the rams? Sound like ram errors to me.

ETA: I just remembered, I had a similar problem not too long ago. It's the ram.
You might check the motherboard for capacitors that are blown, leaky, or just plain missing.
You might check the motherboard for capacitors that are blown, leaky, or just plain missing.

I noticed that there was in fact a bulging electrolytic capacitor near the processor usually bad capacitors would make the CPU fans go crazy from experience with faulty caps on motherboards especially if its the caps next to the CPU.

Anyway I decided to get this motherboard on my work bench and brake out the soldering iron and replace all the electrolytic caps on the motherboard, usually if one has failed then its probable that some others are bad or out of spec and seeing that you can't really test electrolytic capacitors not with the tools I have "I'm old skool" then its best to replace them all.

Anyway I had success with getting the motherboard fully working.

I've got to say it is rare for a motherboard of this age to have those problems I'd expect that on an older motherboard but oh well you live and learn.
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