MOBO temp is freaking me out!!

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Solid State Member
Ok so I have 2 temp monitoring programs and they both say that my mobo is at 84-85c......also says that in my bios (even after off all night and fresh boot). All other temps are fine but I think it is the cause of my game crashes. I only have 2 fans (not including cpu fan) but this is just recently becoming a problem. I tried opening my case and pointing a house fan at high right onto the mobo and even this does not lower the temp....what should I do?
Welcome to Tech-Forums, vivabiafra!!!

What monitoring programs do you use?

It's possible that the temperature sensor is faulty and is giving a bogus reading.

While using the computer do you notice any performance issues? Like the computer freezing or rebooting by itself?

You mentioned that a game crashed. That could be a possible temperature issue as well. After the game has crashed, was there any BSOD (blue screen message), or did the system reboot?

It would also be nice if you could give us the specs of your computer.
kk i use asus probe (came with mob) and speed fan. when the game crashed the first time my monitor went blank and had to reboot and the second time this weird noise came out of my speakers like something grinding......or skipping real bad. does not happen when i point the fan on the mobo with case open. computer used to freeze and reboot but that stopped when i bought my new hd. i thought it might be the programs as well but the temp reads high in the bios as well.

k i don't know if my last post was received so am typing it again. The programs i am using are speed fan and asus probe (came with the mobo). No performance issues except the game will crash with this weird skipping noise coming from the speakers and i have to hard crash the pc.....this does not happen when the fan is pointed at mobo with case open (no blue screen that stopped when i bought a new hd). Also says temp is high in the bios. i built this machine about a year ago and just started having issues....well make that 6 months ago

Specs sry

asus m3n72-d (mobo)
amd athalon 2.8 black chip
2 gigs ddr2 ram
9600 gforce
650 wat power supply
monitor going blank please help!!!

got it figid out needed thermal paste on the gpu and a good cleaning. was running at 66c and now a cool 30-40c on a full load. ty for ur help

but now........
Monitor goes blank sometimes for no apparent reason. The LCD light starts flashing like its in sleep mode and the only way to get it to come back on is to force a reboot (only happens while gaming). I have updated all drivers and there is no system crash when this happens. I plugged in another monitor and it is doing the same thing. If you have any ideas PLEASE let me know

pc is home built.
amd athlon 2.8 duel core black chip
asus m3n72-d mootherboard
geforce 9600 graphics card
2 gigs ddr2
500 gig sata drive
Samsung Syncmaster 210t monitor
power supply antec earthwatts
model ea-650 (watt)
Re: monitor going blank please help!!!

I always like following approach of trying to isolate or to narrow down causes of a problem. So I would try two things first.

  • [1]disable all sleep on your computer and test to see if computer is having issues waking
    [2]test your monitor on another computer (to try and rule out issue with monitor)

Also it would be good if you can provide a bit more information about when it goes blank?
  • does it always happen after being on a certain period of time
  • does it always start up and work when you reboot it the first time
  • do you notice if any fans are running at high speed (or not running at all) when it happens
  • are you playing a particular game or always running a particular program when this happens
  • how long has this been happening for
  • have their been any changes to the system just prior to issue starting such as installing any new software/hardware etc
Re: monitor going blank please help!!!

ok well it only happens while playing everquest 2...always starts up and wrks when i are running normal when it haps...started happening a lot recently but has hap'd in the past....and the last change was a new HD (the one listed in pc specs) but has hap'd before that. i re listed them with the power supply

kk i just plugged another monitor in and it did the same thing

pc is home built.
amd athlon 2.8 duel core black chip
asus m3n72-d mootherboard
geforce 9600 graphics card
2 gigs ddr2
500 gig sata drive
Samsung Syncmaster 210t monitor
power supply antec earthwatts
model ea-650
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