Mediated Obfuscation_ Theoretical? How close are they to quantum cryptography


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Greetings techies,

I ran across my old roommate from college on Facebook. he was one of those guys that never studied, slept through lectures, and aced every test. Hes into this post-quantum cryptography.

perryhooker [dot] blogspot [dot] com

Is this stuff all theoretical? Dose a quantum computer have to be created for all of this to come to be?

It doesn't take a computer scientist or a mathematician to realize the implications of this. I could see one firm controlling all the cryptography and security of the internet.

How far away are we from being able to encrypt everything with a cypher-text and a key?

I don't think this is sci-fi. I think its just around the corner. I think it might be worth investing in a firm that makes this stuff work.

I have limited knowledge of this subject.

What are your opinions? :confused:
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