Making Dynamic Update Client -- need to borrow some thoughts

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Baseband Member
New Albany, IN
I'm using a remote desktop connection to work on my clients computers but every time they call and ask for support I have to have them lookup their ip address and send it to me, and it's just a big mess. If I had a database where I could look-up their name or id number and know their ip address it'd make it a lot easier on both ends.

I'm making a dynamic update client similar to or which is more or less a way to have a static-ip without actually getting a static-ip address from your isp. By installing their software it sends your dynamic ip address to them whenever it changes and only when it changes.

I'm looking to do something similar. I'm just not sure how to go about it. Any ideas?

EDIT: Also, so long as it's not against any rules, I welcome any and all emails regarding this subject. Even if you're just interested in getting a copy of the source when it's completed. Of course I'd much rather someone(s) help with the coding.
I've already written a similar program for macs. On windows it's dead easy, a simple vb script. If you don't know too much about scripting I can write something up for you tonight when I get home from work
I'd very much appreciate that. I just hope I can make sense of it. I'm mostly working in C++ but I learned a bit of VB6 in high school. I just hate having to explain to old people how to find their ip address.
Because I feel the same thing can be done for a much smaller price--hopefully free. All except the domain name at least. Both no-ip and dyndns have 1 free domain () but I have 15+ customers. I figured a few people could use something similar, even if it's just working on a project from their office computer on their home computer, or anything really.

This is more of an experiment to see if I can do it. Also, information wants to be free, and I'm making enough to support myself so I see no reason I can't do this for free.
If it's an experiment then that's fair enough. You should know though that you could set up each of your customers with their own dyndns account - each would be free.
Anyway, to do this yourself you need something running on the inside of their network routinely updating a service running on the outside. Since you need to know the address of the service, you either need hosting or a dyndns account yourself (assuming you don't have a static IP).
Well, I do run a website for a community center pretty close to home. Could I use that to keep track of it? It has PHP and MySQL enabled on it.

How about a small program that creates a formatted message in a new email message and starts up their email client ready to send? That'd be easier and would only require them to have an email client set up. Heck I'd be happy if it was just a window that popped up with the information required for a Remote Desktop Connection to happen. It'd just be ideal for it all to be saved in a database.

I could do the dyndns thing, but not without violating their ToS. The accounts they give expire in 30-60 days if you don't login--and if I'm reading their ToS correctly--you can't login to the account yourself, you'd need them to do it.
Thar we go. Autohotkey is a winner :D

All you need to do is download autohotkey, install it, then right click on the script in the zip folder and select 'compile'. It'll make an exe in the same folder as the script. that's it!


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Well, I do run a website for a community center pretty close to home. Could I use that to keep track of it? It has PHP and MySQL enabled on it.

Perfect. That's one half sorted. Set up a database with a table "username", "password" and "latest_ip" then write a php script which authenticates against the username and password, then takes the IP from the incoming request and updates the "latest_ip" field.

How about a small program that creates a formatted message in a new email message and starts up their email client ready to send? That'd be easier and would only require them to have an email client set up. Heck I'd be happy if it was just a window that popped up with the information required for a Remote Desktop Connection to happen. It'd just be ideal for it all to be saved in a database.

You can do even better. If they have a server, or even a PC they have on all the time (or even a PC they have on in order for you to connect), you can set up that machine with a small php script or small program to cover their half. All this would have to do is make an http request to your site (doesn't need a browser or anything like that) sending it's authentication information. Your site would receive this and take the action I have described above.

I could do the dyndns thing, but not without violating their ToS. The accounts they give expire in 30-60 days if you don't login--and if I'm reading their ToS correctly--you can't login to the account yourself, you'd need them to do it.

No problem, I won't mention it again.

If you need any help with the actual programming, start a thread in the programming section.
Thank you all, I'll let this roll around in my head for a bit, try out that exe that soulphire suggested--and awesomely uploaded--before I see what I can do on my own and post a thread in the Programming section if I need help.
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