Looking for software that allows MAC filtering and parental control


In Runtime
Toronto, Ontario
I am looking for something I can install on my local Windows server at home. I want to be able to time-restrict internet access to my kids computers and mobile devices. I know my router has a mac filtering function built in - but multiple not-so tech savvy adults will be using this - so I want something with a technical back end that I can configure once and then a simple GUI other user can use to manage. I do not want to install apps on each device as they have quite a few. Any suggestions?
I am looking for something I can install on my local Windows server at home. I want to be able to time-restrict internet access to my kids computers and mobile devices. I know my router has a mac filtering function built in - but multiple not-so tech savvy adults will be using this - so I want something with a technical back end that I can configure once and then a simple GUI other user can use to manage. I do not want to install apps on each device as they have quite a few. Any suggestions?
Hi fallenapples, I found a site with a list of tools that allow you to use a mac filtering feature and some of the recommendations are free of charge.

The name of the site is famisafe.

Famliloop Safeguard for MAC -is one of the tools I would recommend. It allows you to set time limits and with a smart filter that does the work for you. The cons are that the manual filter feature does not work properly.

Qustiodio- Is an ideal software that I would recommend because it meets your requirements for time restriction and healthy data restriction usage. This software keeps your kids safe online and accurately supervises your kids online. This software will block inappropriate sites, games and other software. This software runs in the background without degrading performance.

These are just a couple of parental software' to name. Please visit the famisafe website for more information and check it out. :)

You might want to look into something like what OpenDNS offers. You can set up an account (free or paid) and set your router to OpenDNS's DNS servers, and then set the filtering levels as you wish. It is way too easy to bypass filtering on a computer but unless they can access the router's controls they won't get past it.
I also prefer openDNS for parental control.
I'd use a free OpenDNS account for filtering web content and don't want the kids to have access to adult/porn site.
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