Looking for good RPG..

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Daemon Poster
I know TitanQuest will come out pretty soon..

But I thinking to get some RPG.. I dont know a little old one can do as well.. just kind of bored...

What you all think?
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I and II, I suggest you go through the first one before you play the second. The first one will last around 30-35 hours each play through and trust me, you'll play it multiple times. And the second will last around 40 hours and like the first one, it has great replayability.
well, if you want an MMOrpg, then you could do WoW :D not to sound like a little kid, but it really is a fun game. very good customer base (like 4.5 million now) and yes, it has a $15/mo fee, but its worth it. it balances storyline (quests) with grouping, and PvP, whithout cutting down much in either category :D

for a non-MMO, i would sudgest Elder Scrolls V: Oblivion (dont know if thats the name, i know it by Oblivion. the new morrowind :D)
its also a very good game, extremely good graphics, great storyline, and some next-gen stuff too, like the NPCs have theyre own lives, if you go on a quest with NPCs, and you stop, they will go on and try to complete the quest without you. and some other stuff, but im not completely sure, the main thing i noticed when testing in on XBOX360, was the graphics. they are AMAZING. personally, i dont like morrowind, but if thats your thing, then its an amazing game :D

KOTOR are some of my favorite RPGs. Morrowind was my favorite RPG but once I played KOTOR things changed. I would recommend not gett a MMORPG if your looking for an RPG, because the single-player RPGs offer so much more story depth and character construction. KOTOR 1 also won something like 30 game of the year awards.

The first KOTOR can last you around 60 hours at least, 30H for a light side character and another 30H for a darkside charcter (not including playing different classes). The second KOTOR can last you 100 hours easily (for me at least). The first one had 3 normal classes then 3 jedi classes (once you become a jedi). KOTOR II has 3 jedi classes and 6 sub-jedi classes, 3 for each side (light/dark).

But Morrowind and Oblivion offer great replay value, I just think KOTOR has some of the best stories and character development for an RPG. In morrowind/oblivion your interactions with other people is very limited, doing quests and what not, your just a lone wolf. People who have never played KOTOR are missing out on some very good RPGs.

Plus you can find the KOTOR games for around 20 bucks.

(You might find better places then Best Buy, but at lest they give free shipping; or you can just go to a store a pick one up.

You also can get KOTOR on the Xbox if you have it.
true, single player games have MUCH more story, but if you like hack-n-slash, MMO's are the way to go :D


P.S. i dont think KOTOR is really that good, though i never liked the star wars RPGs.

I say - If you want an MMORPG get WoW

If you want regular internet rpg - I dont really know, Diablo 2 and its expansion are still my favorite there :)

If you want single player - Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

My top choice is Oblivion here. Its a lot of fun even though my comp barely runs it (my comp sucks btw)
I have Oblivion.. played it.. and wasn't so imprested.. well the graphics looks good ... but the story line, and those stupid NPC...

I hate WoW... stupid graphic, the cartooning look.. and there some races that I dont think should be in.
I have MMO to play from time to time any way. GW

I just looking for some RPG.. with good story line etc...
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