just wondering

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I think that it's 100. I am leaving the default there until it won't go any higher..... may take awhile.
Virgin Techie 0 - 29 posts
Junior Techie 30 - 99 posts
True Techie 100 - 249 posts
Super Techie 250 - 499 posts
Ultra Techie 500 - 999 posts
Monster Techie 1000 -1999 posts
Wizard Techie 2000 -2999 posts
Lord Techie 3000+ posts
Hey Chopper, just curious, but do you offer moderator status after so many posts, or do you just invite or what?

I am just curious as to how you do it.
To become a moderator does not have anything to do with how many posts a member has.

We add moderators on a need to be basis. We choose moderators on there leadership skills, quallity of posts ect ect.
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